Where do you buy your pellets/slugs?

Trenier has no discounts like get-4-pay-3.
But they have low prices to start out with.

⚠️ And the discount get-4-pay-3 only works in your favor if you buy projectiles that cost approximately the same price — because they only discount you the cheapest tins....
Otherwise, the every day low prices of Trenier are better.

Welp... on initial searches, midwayusa came up the cheapest with the fastest shipping. If anyone can beat them, I would love to hear about it.
The only thing Midway will beat is the pellets they ship to you. If you’re lucky the tins won’t be broken open. Amazon is equally incompetent.

Stick to an airgun retailer. They know how to handle and package pellets for minimal shipping damage.
My normal choice is Pyramyd because I can pick up in person. Even though I pick up in person, they are packed as if they are going UPS or FedEx.
Like other vendors, they pack them very securely,BUT, if the shipping people (UPS/FEDEX) toss the carton like they often do, when the package hits the wall or floor there’s a sudden stop and all those pellets feel it. Some will be damaged. That’s why I pick up. Typically PA buys in skid quantities so they potentially arrive at PA in pretty good shape because the pallets are moved with lift trucks because of the weight (hundreds of pounds). BUT, there’s no guarantee.
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Agree with the Trenier crowd. Excellent prices and packing....although every once in a while, Bullet Central has some really great prices as well.
I assembled an easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet to figure out the least expensive per pellet cost if anyone cares to use it.


View attachment Pellet Cost Comparison.xlsx
Agree with the Trenier crowd. Excellent prices and packing....although every once in a while, Bullet Central has some really great prices as well.
I assembled an easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet to figure out the least expensive per pellet cost if anyone cares to use it.


View attachment 478404


for buying LEAD your spreadsheet is GOLD! 🤩

Thank you for sharing with us!! 🤝🏼

Trenier first, if they sell the type I want. PA, now that covid is over they are shipping well again. The Pellet Shop is very good and carries AEA. Utah Airguns has always delivered well to me also. The companies you want to avoid are MidwayUSA and Amazon, absolutely horrible, all the stories are true! MidwayUSA threw the tins in a big box, and Amazon threw the tins in a bag, same result.
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Long time no talk.
Thank you for the compliment, however, YOU are the one that puts together some incredible spreadsheets. I recall going through your scope spreadsheet and thinking; "Holy cow, that's a LOT of work Matthias!"
So, thank you for providing some incredible spreadsheets your own bad self!!
