N/A Annual pellet fest

Every year I go to my sisters in Virginia for a family outing. But it’s also pellet gun fest. We have great meals, play pickle ball, shoot pellet guns in the day then go back out and shoot with NV at night.

Dad (82) loves the DRS. UA hooked me up with an AEA M8 gauge that is spot on accurate. So is the gun.

I forgot to mention we always have pistol time. We have several good BB shooting CO2 pistols. We hang cans from strings and just shred them. But this year I brought a Crosman 150 that I picked up at the Carlisle airgun show. Everyone can’t stop shooting it. They can’t believe how old it is and its power and accuracy. They said it just feels perfect. I haven’t got to shoot much because I’m loading mags, filling guns and setting up tiny crab apples while hoping to not get a tick or chiggers. I get to shoot enough at home.

I’ve brought my FX Dreamtac twice since I bought it. It’s the perfect gun for volume shooting. But the dang thing would never hold its POI. Then I had to deal with the frustration of the person shooting it while everyone else is hitting way more than missing. So I quit bringing it. This year I built a solid barrel for it. The gun has been stellar. So glad to finally be able to enjoy this simple wonderful platform.

Another duty. My dad and I have to clean up after the “kids”. A pickle ball game broke out and now there are three abandoned guns basking in the sun.

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