Buying an Expensive Airgun, with Interest-Free Credit ...... Credova ?

Do what works for you. I do what works for me. I charge it now. And pay it in full when the bill arrives. My credit score fluctuates between high 700s and low 800s. I’m good with that.🤷🏻‍♂️
I charge everything. Pay it off at the end of the month. At the end of the year, the points pay for my flights and rental cars, for vacation. My credit score remains about the same as yours.
Paypal credit is also awesome, for places that accept it.
I pretty much pay in full for airgun stuff. My funds usually come as the result of a windfall, though occasionally by putting change in a jar. I save the credit for emergencies. I've had a few of those lately. But that's just me and what I am comfortable with. I did use PayPal to split up an eBay purchase once and that went fine, but I paid the whole thing off the following week. Something I had to have and was short the actual cash at that time. Rather than miss out, I used that option.
No but PayPal credit offers 6 months zero % unless the seller doesn’t accept PayPal
I use this often. BUT!! If you don't pay in full by 6 months, you get reamed with high interest charge on entire amount, not just remaining balance.
OK, I found it finally. is where you will find all the "conditions". They vary quite a bit. Depending on your credit worthiness, duration of loan and the underwriting review they will do after, in other words, if you fluff your credit appeal a bit to incur lower interest rate, they can "adjust" your rate to reflect what they feel is accurate. So, if you choose this, be honest with yourself and give accurate information so you will see the actual numbers. Upon reading this , it sounds similar to affirm, but it sounds like you have to prequalify for it prior to purchase, I guess that's where you will see the numbers. But, honestly, their example rates seemed high. As I said, it's listed above, check it out for yourself. I personally am more comfortable with affirm.
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I suggest saving up for a big purchase rather than using a credit service. Once the money goal is reached, charge the rifle and pay it off when the bill arrives. Great way to boost your credit.

I did this last year with a tire purchase. Great way to exercise your credit score.

So what rifle are you considering? 😀
If you don't use the 6 month plan with credova, and instead do the 12 months or longer whatever interest is tacked on HAS to be paid. Say the full price of the gun OTD is $2100 but with the payment plan it comes to $2600 you're stuck paying that $2600 even if you pay it off early.
If that's the case, affirm is way the hell better. they let you payoff early if you choose to and reduce the interest amount proportionately.
It is true what has been posted about taking loans and paying them off. It does help boost your credit score.

The big 'but' here though is (and really don't want to sound preachy) we've seen how living in debt has been a way to control people here in the USA. If you're always in debt, you are always living with a monkey on your shoulder. I recommend what others have said - save the money until you can afford to make the purchase and pay off your cc that month.

As nice as expensive airguns are it is important to live within your means.
If that's the case, affirm is way the hell better. they let you payoff early if you choose to and reduce the interest amount proportionately.
Yeah I almost went through with buying a airmax krait standard HP off utah airguns. Until I read more info and realized I would've been stuck paying ,nearly $2600 for a gun that cost $1900 with the extended bottom rail
The FICO score credit wise is a scam. It amazes me that for person like myself with no debt, that the number can vary by 100 points in the course of one month. I pay the only card I have off every month, I always call to check what the most recent total is and pay that + a bit more if some recent purchases have not appeared yet. Being self employed for that past 30 + years make credit stuff a real challenge. That always counts against myself in the banking world. Plus being 73 is counted negatively as well. Not carrying a balance counts against you as well ( which makes no sense to me ) and then carrying a balance is also negative- go figure. My Fico varies from a low 700's to High 700's from month to month. The system is designed to keep you in debit to reach that 800 + holy grail area. There is no reward for being debit free, other than personal satisfaction.
The FICO score credit wise is a scam. It amazes me that for person like myself with no debt, that the number can vary by 100 points in the course of one month. I pay the only card I have off every month, I always call to check what the most recent total is and pay that + a bit more if some recent purchases have not appeared yet. Being self employed for that past 30 + years make credit stuff a real challenge. That always counts against myself in the banking world. Plus being 73 is counted negatively as well. Not carrying a balance counts against you as well ( which makes no sense to me ) and then carrying a balance is also negative- go figure. My Fico varies from a low 700's to High 700's from month to month. The system is designed to keep you in debit to reach that 800 + holy grail area. There is no reward for being debit free, other than personal satisfaction.
Having a balance on your credit card doesn't impact your score negatively. It's when you have a balance over 30% of your max that your acore takes a small hit, past 60% it takes a larger hit and nearly maxed when it affects you the most.

Going between have a balance and having no balance on your CC will impact your score the way it has been because it's going through drastic changes. If you were to keep a monthly balance around 10-20% you score would remain steady without jumping around much. Also when you make the payments affect your score too, like if your due date is past your statement date, make your payments a day befroe your statement date so that when it reflects on your history it shows that you're in good standing.
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I use this often. BUT!! If you don't pay in full by 6 months, you get reamed with high interest charge on entire amount, not just remaining balance.
Yes but like anything you have to budget and prioritize for necessities 1. Daystate Red wolf 2. Pellets 3. Compressor 4. Tank 5. Mortgage 6. Car 7. Food? Squirrels with your red wolf 8. Kids college? 🤷‍♂️Who cares you have a red wolf