Ever hear of washing your replacement cotton moisture filters?

Well I think I might just to see? throw a hand full in a bowl of hot water with some dawn soap let
them soak for a few hours then rinse good squeeze the water out let the, dry. Worth a try. If it
works I can laugh at you slackers when I use them over.😂🤪🤗 Just remember this (Stick with
me & you will be wearing jewels). 🪰Fly 🤔
Make sure you rinse well, or you will be shooting bubbles
Hopefully the cotton filter is not your only defense to stop water. Why wash them? Just squeeze what water you can out of them and sit it someplace dry for a couple days. after a dozen uses when the oil spot reaches the other end throw it away and put a new one in the line-up.
I guess you could put a dry one in the microwave for a few seconds and if it gets hot you know it wasn't dry, hmm maybe I'll try that next time my wife is out.
So, I did this. I have used filters in a line of 4 so one a week or so with my 30 hr YH. I finger squeeze and set them in my basement with the dehumidifier keeping the humidity 45 to 55 %. I'm in MD and it sucks this year. I snuck up and put this one in the MW for 30 sec after sitting for 5 days. Nothing! No steam no order.
Do what makes you feel good!

