Average age of shooters

Lol I'll take it. I've always been mature for my age. Now if we would have met in person and that was the same response when I said I was 31 I wouldn't have taken it 😂
😂 I’m a pretty direct person but when I meet someone who has too many city miles on them for their age, I keep my mouth shut. Karma is real.
My average age seems to increase every year, and I feel it!

I'm 66.5 and started shooting 22 rifles and .410 shotguns under VERY strict adult supervision before getting my first BB gun, a Crosman 760, for Christmas of '68. After a short break-in period (for me, by my folks) I was turned loose with it to plink or hunt chipmunks, starlings, and house sparrows on my own.
Started out as a kid that loved anything that shot a projectile. I went through the typical phases - homemade slingshots, homemade bows, airguns to rimfires and then centerfires like a lot of people here.

Did the ducks/small game/large game gun hunting thing. Then archery for more of a challenge - compound bows and back to homemade bows for deer. There were always a couple of airguns around to plink with.

Retired now (73) and back to making slingshots, bows and shooting pellet guns.

My wife says I'm in my second childhood... I disagree - I'm still in my first and clinging desperately to it! 😉

Think that after all the responsibilities of providing for a family that the quieter activities like fishing and plinking become more attractive. Nothing like spending a couple of hours out on the lake or at the shooting bench.

From the accuracy and power perspective, airguns have come a long way and just in time for me to enjoy them. 😁

Haha remind me,
A few days ago i saw a elderly guy here trying to get on his fat ass Harley Davidson that i assume weigh as mutch as my little Suzuki car, it i assume was a quite alternative way to get on the damn thing. :LOL:
If i am not mistaken i turn 58 very soon.
Been to the doctor today.
I have a small surgery on my L hand to schedule, i look forward to that, been a while since i have seen any of my inside, and that was also a finger though that one was crushed.
I need to schedule a " special " blood sample that can detect possible heart problems aside for the high blood pressure i had, and a X ray of my chest.

Also my one leg are a bit bigger than the other, probably retaining more water than the other one
My severe sleep disorder remain of no interest to my GP

I am going to bed now ( 2 AM here ) but i will not fall asleep for at the very least 6 hours but more likely i got 8 hours of tossing and turning to look forward to,,,,, again. :sleep:
Will wake up in 12 - 13 hours.
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I'm 31. Shot airguns as a kid until I got my first .410 at I think 11 or 12 then I didn't really get back into airguns until I was 22. I know a few guys in there 30s that have them with some being relatives I got into it. A few 50+. But got my cousins kids in it and I think 5 of them have PCPs now and there from 10-13. My nephew is going through hunters safety at 9 and my BIL wanted to have me help teach him and we shot my Taipan Short yesterday and he did great. I think airguns are such great tools for kids to learn how to shoot with. Quiet and essentially recoiless they can really focus on the basics without fear of the recoil and noise of firearms. Then again my BIL really only has a .300 Win mag and 7mm mag so alittle big for a 70lb 9yr old lol. But yeah so far I've got 9 people into airguns with 7 being young so I'm doing my part getting young blood into the sport
what is a BIL ? i am 79 so ....
Haha remind me,
A few days ago i saw a elderly guy here trying to get on his fat ass Harley Davidson that i assume weigh as mutch as my little Suzuki car, it i assume was a quite alternative way to get on the damn thing. :LOL:
If i am not mistaken i turn 58 very soon.
Been to the doctor today.
I have a small surgery on my L hand to schedule, i look forward to that, been a while since i have seen any of my inside, and that was also a finger though that one was crushed.
I need to schedule a " special " blood sample that can detect possible heart problems aside for the high blood pressure i had, and a X ray of my chest.

Also my one leg are a bit bigger than the other, probably retaining more water than the other one
My severe sleep disorder remain of no interest to my GP

I am going to bed now ( 2 AM here ) but i will not fall asleep for at the very least 6 hours but more likely i got 8 hours of tossing and turning to look forward to,,,,, again. :sleep:
Will wake up in 12 - 13 hou
I think that people that hang out on enthusiasts forums tend to be older in general. I've got a handful of hobbies that I've been obsessed with over the years and I seem to keep cycling through them one at a time. Some of these hobbies attract older people and some younger people, but the forums all tend to skew older. Younger people just don't seem to want to obsess online about their hobby to the same degree, or they prefer to do so in a different format.
Don't feel bad, I have to ask my daughter all the time what some of these initials mean, I'm 61.
Oh i do not feel bad myself , i feel bad when the younger set use these in conversation and others even their own age have to ask what they just said .
my take is the 'under 40s' generally want powder burners to support their big egos .. they havent seen the light yet heheh ..
I don't think its an ego thing so much as they just haven't fully realized how time consuming and expensive it is to shoot powder burners and how little they actually get shot. I love powder burners too, but at some point it just dawned on me that I've got all the guns I really need and then some and I may as well spend the majority of my gun money on the guns that I shoot the most.

I also think that there's just some sort of fascination that some of us have with air power. Even if I lived bordering the national forest or out in the desert somewhere and could shoot 50 bmgs off my back porch I'd still be into airguns because there's just something about them that peaks my interest more powder burners do.
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Had some brand of lever bb gun when I was a 10 year old. Not RR.
When I hit 60 and went through a number of lay offs at the shop, I found a well worn Crosman 760 at a yard sale.
It needed lots of love.
All down hill from there, B3's Crosmans, QB's .
69 now, and finding them and trying to repair them is as much fun as shooting them.
Save some, some go to consignment, to help out.