Need Recommendations for a PCP Airgun to Deal with Coyotes

Under these described restrictive circumstances the best thing to do to stay out of trouble and not have lead going off property and wounded animals wandering around neighborhood environs is to leave the coyotes alone and keep the dogs inside when not accompanied.
right last thing you need is a trail of blood in your front drive way.
Well placed head shot, heavy slug......job will be done.

I would casually talk to your neighbors and see what they think. Don't come out and say you want to kill the yote, but state it is damaging your yard and a risk to your pets. Get them on your side and see what they think about shooting him. If they are ok with it then go for it. Even if it goes into their yard you will be able to clean everything up with no worries.
It's too bad the OP isn't giving us any feedback. I would expect him to have questions or comments about the ideas and thoughts that have been posted by us. He says the coyotes are in his backyard and they are jumping over fences and gates and that he'll be shooting at a max of 40 yards, so I'm guessing he has a fenced and gated back yard that is 40 yards from his back porch to the farthest fence. I'm just having to guess about this and picture this in my head without specifics from him (OP). I'm wondering what kind of fences -- 4 foot tall storm fences and gates OR 6 foot tall wood plank fences (privacy fence). A golfing community -- sounds kind of upper-class (ish) and I would expect it to have privacy fences. Can a coyote get over a 6-foot tall planked fence? I don't know.

I get the feeling that he (OP) really wants a quiet air rifle that he can plink with in his back yard for fun and he wants one that is good enough to take down a coyote without even a yelp if one happens to walk in front of his back stop. If my feeling is correct, then, like woogie_man said, he could just talk to his neighbors and explain that he wants to build a really nice back stop in his back yard so that he can plink at it with a quiet little pellet gun. If the neighbors say OK to that, then he gets to practice those 40 yard head shots with an air rifle that is quietly putting out more power at the muzzle than a standard-velocity 22LR. Once he's well-practiced, he then accidentally-on-purpose leaves the gate open with bait in front of the back stop. Coyote gets his last meal.

So maybe the OP is really more interested in plinking in his back yard than he is about coyotes. BUT the OP did say he want's revenge. In that case, maybe the cage trap is the ticket. Bait the trap, leave the gate open and wait. Once he's got a trapped coyote, quickly drag the trap with the coyote into the house and down the stairs into his sound-proof windowless cellar and interrogate the coyote. Ask the coyote where all his friends are hiding. If the coyote doesn't cooperate, then play the same loud heavy-metal tune on repeat -- with bright strobe lights to help the mood. Maybe they become buddies and he adopts the coyote as a pet.

OK, story time is over. I really shouldn't drink coffee so late at night. Maybe this is how Steven King got started.

In .30 the Gauntlet g2 would work perfe tly and you'd save yourself a ton of money, they can put out 118fpe with 62gr Griffing slug for around $500 and still get plenty of shots.

For around $1000 you can get a benj bulldog .35 that would put it down no problem.
For $1200-1500 you could get an Airforce Texan .308-.45 loud, and more than enough for coyote and other larger game. Also the wildcat and maverick standard with the Aluminum bottle in .30 will put out 100fpe and be more than accurate and lethal for coyotes.

$1550 and up you have the Vulcan .30 makimg over 100fpe in long and standard lengths both more than accurate or powerful enough. Huben k1 .25 will put out up to 95fpe reliably, also semi automatic and the fx impact m2, m3, m4. It will get the job done as well but for the price and for what you want to do. You have entirely better options.
Like others have said, I also would not want to use anything less than a 30 cal. I would not want to depend on myself to make clean head/brain shots (coyotes tend to not hold still for long). I would want to be able to take out a coyote with a heart/lung shot since it's a much bigger and easier-to-hit area. Since noise is a factor, I would also not want to try to quiet down a rifle that is more than 30 cal. I know that my maverick 30 cal sniper, which is putting out 112 fpe, is quiet as far as muzzle pop goes -- no muzzle pop with the donnyfl ronin on it. But the ping sound is kind of loud. It sounds like I'm hitting a 5 foot long 4 inch diameter pipe with a hard rubber mallet. I think that anything bigger than a 30 cal would be difficult to quiet the muzzle pop sound.

Two people have suggested the umarex gauntlet 30 sl and I also think it would be a good rifle for the op, since it's pretty much a no-fuss rifle with a small price tag. Hopefully there is a moderator for this rifle that will eliminate the muzzle pop. Get the 30 cal gauntlet with the longest barrel for the sake of more power with less noise to achieve that power. Maybe they only come with one barrel length, but if there's an option, get the longest one.

Lawn mower, chainsaw, swinging maul, kids yelling at each other like mad all day long is OK. Air gun crack is NOT OK. Hmm...
Get a crossbow? Quieter than comparable airgun, cheaper, deadlier (7/8" broadhead through lungs), accurate at 50-70 yards.
I don't recommend a crossbow if you live in an urban environment where your neighbors properties are within 30 yards, because there's a good chance the yote may run off onto a neighbor's property and that would not look good on the evening news.
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I don't recommend a crossbow if you live in an urban environment where your neighbors properties are within 30 yards, because there's a good chance the yote may run off onto a neighbor's property and that would not look good on the evening news.
not to mention the bolt would probably pass through and end up who knows where
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