Tuxing double cylinder oil question

A fresh glass next to a just used glass next to a used glass that sit long enught to see how it settles out or separates in to water and oil levels

Should of asked it it just turns white or white frothy like ..

Pictures would be nice I guess ..

I hear there worth a 1000 words .🥴
What about running it in a well air conditioned room ? That AC will draw out a lot of room moisture . Like here if it's 90% humidity outside the AC in the house or room is maybe 40-55% ( why your ac drips water ) .. so the indoor ac air should be dryer then outside air and this issue should stop or greatly reduced .. opinion..
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What about running it in a well air conditioned room ? That AC will draw out a lot of room moisture . Like here if it's 90% humidity outside the AC in the house or room is maybe 40-55% ( why your ac drips water ) .. so the indoor ac air should be dryer then outside air and this issue should stop or greatly reduced .. opinion..
So I went out this evening to check on it and the oil is looking way better still a little cloudy but looking way better than I topped a small tank off and the color barely changed this was in late evening about 85 degrees and 65 % humidity I really think it's the humidity and mostuire doing it
There's no water leak.......
Then from the air it is compressing.
The moisture that comes from air compression typically is collected via a water trap / filter. If the system is not designed right or a piston ring / seal on HP side is compromised, said air can very well have enough blow by carrying said moisture into the crankcase mixing said moisture with the oil and creating a white froth of the two your seeing.

I've spent near 5 decades as a commercial mechanic and know what water & oil mixed creates .... The how / why it's happening is a deeper mystery yet to be solved.

Good luck :unsure:
So I went out this evening to check on it and the oil is looking way better still a little cloudy but looking way better than I topped a small tank off and the color barely changed this was in late evening about 85 degrees and 65 % humidity I really think it's the humidity and mostuire doing it
If the oil is clearing up as it sits and is not separating into a layer of oil and water, then it is probably frothing up on high pressure from blowby. Look at it with a magnifying glass for tiny bubbles. If it is frothing up it will look like water is mixing, and it will be just as hard to get those bubbles out. If the Tuxing is built anything like my Yong Heng's are, then it is merely a splash oiling system and one drilled hole to oil the crank and the frothing up probably is not going to be an issue. If it changes to a dark color (from reciprocating wear or carbon from pressure combustion) then you can bet there's a bigger problem.

If you want to be safe, you could buy a set of new rings and gaskets. It will build pressure quicker.
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If the oil is clearing up as it sits and is not separating into a layer of oil and water, then it is probably frothing up on high pressure from blowby. Look at it with a magnifying glass for tiny bubbles. If it is frothing up it will look like water is mixing, and it will be just as hard to get those bubbles out. If the Tuxing is built anything like my Yong Heng's are, then it is merely a splash oiling system and one drilled hole to oil the crank and the frothing up probably is not going to be an issue. If it changes to a dark color (from reciprocating wear or carbon from pressure combustion) then you can bet there's a bigger problem.

If you want to be safe, you could buy a set of new rings and gaskets. It will build pressure quicker.
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At this point, you have several possible explanations. Water or Air bubbles, being that it is also clearing up, when you switched oils did you take the cover off and clean off the residue from the prior oil?
There compressors aren't that complicated of a design, you should be able to track down the leak.

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At this point, you have several possible explanations. Water or Air bubbles, being that it is also clearing up, when you switched oils did you take the cover off and clean off the residue from the prior oil?
There compressors aren't that complicated of a design, you should be able to track down the leak.

Air bubbles or "Whipped" oil is rare and if it does happen and oil can not re-level it self ? ... the froth will still retain a more translucent color of the oil itself & Not be white :unsure:
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Air bubbles or "Whipped" oil is rare and if it does happen and oil can not re-level it self ? ... the froth will still retain a more translucent color of the oil itself & Not be white :unsure:

I agree with you about the water, all the other potentials should have been removed. It's time to dig in and find the leak, I'm sure it's something small.

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I don't know? Maybe it is just me ? but the question remains "would you run your car or truck if the same was happening ?
' water in the oil is bad , water does not lubricate OR carry away heat when mixed with oil , water prevents the oil from doing it's job to the full extent of the design . right or wrong ?
Poor ol vevor gives recommend oil I guess hydrolic for non breathing and Mobil rarus ( just 300$+/- in 5gallon ) if using for breathing air

The aw46 looks to me the best choice for this PCP compressor application over the iso vg46 on there properties..

I don't know man.. it's like you the only one posting on this oil issue cause I looked and looked for similar threads and nothing.. there's probably thousands of guys running a compressor in fla, Texas south America..lol. . and none posting I'm only getting one gun fill pre oil change .

Hard to think condensation is that heavy then you'd think lots of guys in high humidity areas would be complaining.. or the water cooling system is leaking in to the unit somehow like bad gasket or crake case or pinhole ..

Without being right there for hands on I can just guess around now ..
Sorry I have other things to worry about than a compressor.... the compressor is fine like it is case closed.
You posted about an issue, about which you have been given some excellent advice from some very knowledgeable people - but apparently you don't care for that advice so want to "close out" the issue and for people to leave it alone. That is your choice to make, but it all sounds very familiar . . . .

If I recall correctly, this is like your third or fourth different compressor, all of which you thought were great until they stopped working properly, with posts like this one involved. Maybe the issue is not the compressors? I recall that this same pattern happened with some air guns too . . .

Anyways, good luck, and I hope it all works out. Peace.