RAW Rapid RAW airguns = low quality?

AA -
my.177 tm500 with jsb13.4 at 50 yards... its putting groups under 4 mm ctc at 50 yards out doors........ i tryied jsb 16.2 but accuracy is not great with them..... but the 13.4 sure is something else
AA - that's good to know. Would you mind posting those groups if you have them? I knew the 13.4g were very accurate in the TM1000 RAW .177 guns at 30-40 Yards, but good to know they can hang in there at 50Y outdoors. Assume that was with very little/no wind.
After reading the title of this thread, I was intrigued/shocked to say the least. After 88 replies and 5,000 views it appears the that you have the answer to your question. “RAW Airguns = Super HIGH quality” should be the new title.

A vast majority strongly disagree with the thread title, and see the RAW platform ( both pre and post Airforce ) as an extremely reliable high quality platform. Pretty sure your intention was to refute the video, but if Martin himself was reading this entire thread, he should feel good that the AGN community has his back.

My first Benchrest rifle was built prior to the Airforce takeover, and it was a RAW HM1000x .22 caliber gray laminate thumb hole stock. Purchased from SPAW about 4 or 5 years ago, built by Martin. It is the most accurate gun I own, at 50 and 100 yards. Extremely reliable, built like a tank and best trigger of the guns I have/ had. I.e.,Red Wolf Safari, HW100, FX Royale, Taipan Long, FX Boss, Marauder, Daystate Revere, Daystate Regal XL, and EVOL Paradigm.

All are great guns in their own right, but the RAW stands out for me. Martin is currently building me a new TM1000x .177 for precision Benchrest target shooting, and I eagerly await trying it out for the 30Y and 40Y target challenges. A truly great guy, always helpful and I’m happy he sees every gun that goes out the door.

Martin & Sandra are wonderful to deal with. Martin just finished a 24" LW .25 SS unchoked barrel @ .71 Dia. & a 28"Lilja .177 unchoked @ .75 dia. I have received both. I'm just tickled to get them & will post some pics & data once installed. My trigger is as you say on a BM500X action. I wouldn't hesitate to get a new AF RAW.
To add....I have a RAW LRT .30 pre-AF (if it matters) with off set mod and the velocity never exceeds low single digits variations while on the reg and very tight SD's. I seen 0 with NSA 47gr slugs thru a full mag. I was like wow. Very smooth to cock and shoot. Its a very solid and well made piece of air artillery. Trigger is great too.
Yeah, after owning (3) RAW HM1000x LRT's .... I have no desire to buy another PCP.

The Whistles and Bells offered by FX and Daystate are nice, but the RAW represents timeless - simplified/precision.

RAW 3 - Blue.jpg
Martin & Sandra are wonderful to deal with. Martin just finished a 24" LW .25 SS unchoked barrel @ .71 Dia. & a 28"Lilja .177 unchoked @ .75 dia. I have received both. I'm just tickled to get them & will post some pics & data once installed. My trigger is as you say on a BM500X action. I wouldn't hesitate to get a new AF RAW.
Martin and Sandra are awesome to deal with. When I purchased my RAW's there was a 6 month lead time. I have owned 4 RAW's and every rifle was perfect.The Rapid is just so accurate and the craftsmanship is second to none. I learned the hard way that you must use your RAW's and not leave them in a safe to rot. I have since found great homes for each them. I am constantly trying new guns and unfortunately I don't have a safe the size of a room for storage.

Yeah, after owning (3) RAW HM1000x LRT's .... I have no desire to buy another PCP.

The Whistles and Bells offered by FX and Daystate are nice, but the RAW represents timeless - simplified/precision.

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When a platform starts off as incredible and then gets small improvements over many years....you get what is pictured! 😉 I totally agree with you Spiral! I also luv your mods 🤗
When a platform starts off as incredible and then gets small improvements over many years....you get what is pictured! 😉 I totally agree with you Spiral! I also luv your mods 🤗
Hey Randy,
Let's give praise where praise is due:
Bob Sterne, Motorhead and Jason are responsible for almost all the mods I've ever done on PCP's, Springers or HPA
:) (y) :cool:.

- Long live the internet -> for connecting me with these folks:love:.
Hey Randy,
Let's give praise where praise is due:
Bob Sterne, Motorhead and Jason are responsible for almost all the mods I've ever done on PCP's, Springers or HPA
:) (y) :cool:.

- Long live the internet -> for connecting me with these folks:love:.
Kirk, I totally agree with you about Bob, Motorhead and Jason, incredibly talented people!
Kirk, Bhaur is another wonderful RAW tuner/mod person that fabricates awesome RAW and FX upgrade parts.
Yes, I forgot Mubhaur and Bucketboy ..............
For me, they're the most recent creative force - Excellent Airgun Tinkerers, tuners and interesting folks;).
Bucketboy has been tuning PCP's for years and has Peerless skills.
Yes, I forgot Mubhaur and Bucketboy ..............
For me, they're the most recent creative force - Excellent Airgun Tinkerers, tuners and interesting folks;).
Bucketboy has been tuning PCP's for years and has Peerless skills.
I forgot BBoy too! And I have been responding to some of his posts recently....😂
Yes, I forgot Mubhaur and Bucketboy ..............
For me, they're the most recent creative force - Excellent Airgun Tinkerers, tuners and interesting folks;).
Bucketboy has been tuning PCP's for years and has Peerless skills.
Too kind, I consider myself more as a bodge artist rather than skilled 🤪 I seldom have a plan, my work ethic is more “ what if”🤔

Too kind, I consider myself more as a bodge artist rather than skilled 🤪 I seldom have a plan, my work ethic is more “ what if”🤔

I don't take all this as profession rather I take it as hobby. Hence in all my products the profit margins are very thin. But the satisfaction level is the main thing that I enjoy.
What were the barrels before? And what are they now? I'm thinking of getting a .30 caliber RAW.
They were TJ barrels before, but have been Lothar Walther barrels since 2018 when AirForce purchased RAW. My .30cal RAW is a recent build and I have terrific accuracy with .30cal pellets.
Yep. FX has exploited the US combination of relatively high discretionary spending, and an endless lust for power and gadgets. The old Boss/Royale platform rivals the RAW in its simplicity, accuracy, and ease of maintenance, but the quality and durability of the internals do not approach the RAW. And as mentioned, the RAW has a real trigger assembly that can be effectively tuned. Every time I shoot my RAW I appreciate it even more.
I agree with your comments about the FX Royale. I just received a brand new Royale 400. Very simple, robust, and accurate right out of the box.
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I wish that all air rifles were threaded vs. having two or three grub set screws to fasten the barrel to the action. I’m not sure that guarantees less POI shift, but it has to help in my mind.

That said, I have been ‘lucky’ I guess, in that my .22 cal Royale ST has had a pretty reliable POA-POI level of accuracy. And, I have bumped the barrel many times, but slightly vs. a serious bump.