FX Tuning the FX Impact M3/M4 ??? (SOLVED)

I have one question about tuning the M3/M4.

If I enter the tune, and it's not shooting slow enough let's say. I can reduce the velocity by dialing down the Micro wheel (hammer spring), but I can also reduce the velocity by dialing down the valve adjuster.

How do I know which one to adjust?

Example: My 700mm .22 cal M4 is now shooting 18.1gr at 920 FPS. How do I get it to 890? The Tune is Micro 2.5 and Line 4 on the Valve Adjuster. Reg is at 90 bar. That's the factory tune from FX. (I know because I got 2 M4's from 2 different dealers...same exact settings out of the box.) Do I reduce the valve or reduce the HST?


ANSWER: You always have the Valve on line 4. The Macro always starts on 16. Enter the HST Micro Wheel and Reg settings then go up an down with the Micro Wheel only (HST), if you wish to go up or down in velocity. Note: The Macro Wheel setting has NO effect on your tune. It's only there to move your Micro Wheel fast if you want to go to a specific setting quickly.

How to tune for a heavier pellet (starting from a Factory Tune setting): Trucker3573 said
Start by bumping the micro up a little and see if you get a velocity increase. That will tell you if you need to bump the reg pressure up or not. If you don’t get any more velocity with the micro then bump the reg by about 5 bar and repeat. Find that plateau where you get no more velocity for a given reg pressure until you hit your target velocity.

More info on FX M3/M4 tuning in FX Guide Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7F_-FTwx0o

Best Video on FX Tuning I have found. How to find the sweet spots:

List of FX Factory Tunes (from FX Tech Dept) are below in this thread. Happy Shooting! -Nate

To see every FX video I ever made click here.
The video I was able to make off this info. M4 Tuning Guide, Basic to Advanced:

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I have one question about tuning the M3/M4.

If I enter the tune, and it's not shooting slow enough let's say. I can reduce the velocity by dialing down the Micro wheel (hammer spring), but I can also reduce the velocity by dialing down the valve adjuster.

How do I know which one to adjust?

Example: My 700mm .22 cal M4 is now shooting 18.1gr at 920 FPS. How do I get it to 890? The Tune is Micro 2.5 and Line 4 on the Valve Adjuster. Reg is at 90 bar. That's the factory tune from FX. (I know because I got 2 M4's from 2 different dealers...same exact settings out of the box.) Do I reduce the valve or reduce the HST?
Thats not much i would try the dial first thats shooting pretty good for such a low reg preasure,try the dial
Thats not much i would try the dial first thats shooting pretty good for such a low reg preasure,try the dial
Thank you. But I'm still a little lost. I have every caliber barrel kit for my M4 so I'm trying to understand how the Valve/HST thing works because I have to do this about 15 more times. Each caliber will have a few pellets to tune for. It's going to be a nightmare, mainly because the FX techs don't talk to me. I said some mean stuff to them once.

Also: this is for videos, so I literally don't have time or ammo to sit there and dilly dally. I need to be able to get the tunes right in minutes and that is because I'm trying to demonstrate how accurate the M4 is. I need the absolute best groups in every caliber/pellet weight. Anything less is not an option. And I can't stress enough that I don't have any extra time. I need to be able to change from .177 to .30 caliber, tune it, and be shooting the best possible groups within 20 minutes.

If that's not possible I will have to send this stuff back to FX and not do the M4 tuning series.
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Thank you. But I'm still a little lost. I have every caliber barrel kit for my M4 so I'm trying to understand how the Valve/HST thing works because I have to do this about 15 more times. Each caliber will have a few pellets to tune for. It's going to be a nightmare, mainly because the FX techs don't talk to me. I said some mean stuff to them once.

Also: this is for videos, so I literally don't have time or ammo to sit there and dilly dally. I need to be able to get the tunes right in minutes and that is because I'm trying to demonstrate how accurate the M4 is. I need the absolute best groups in every caliber/pellet weight. Anything less is not an option. And I can't stress enough that I don't have any extra time. I need to be able to change from .177 to .30 caliber, tune it, and be shooting the best possible groups within 20 minutes.

If that's not possible I will have to send this stuff back to FX and not do the M4 tuning series.
I know the feeling. It landed Me in "GITMO". lol
Thank you. But I'm still a little lost. I have every caliber barrel kit for my M4 so I'm trying to understand how the Valve/HST thing works because I have to do this about 15 more times. Each caliber will have a few pellets to tune for. It's going to be a nightmare, mainly because the FX techs don't talk to me. I said some mean stuff to them once.
Its prob better to see it just youtbe fx air rifle tune on youtube they explain the dial hammer diff regulater preasure all of it thats how i learned and they should have the diffrent calibers also soak it in,now i take all my guns apart and put back together best place to learn,i hope this helps and keep me updated how it worked out for you
Here are the factory tunes from the FX Techs I will be starting with:

I got this list before I got mad one day and told them they should stop buying islands and instead build another building and hire more techs.

TUNES here for the M3:

compact impact M3 500mm


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 80
hammer macro -16
hammer micro - 2.25
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 98
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.0
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 110
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.25
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 115
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.25
valve adjuster knob - 4

Standard 600mm


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 80
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 2.25
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 100
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 2.75
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 105
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.1
valve adjuster knob - 4

Sniper 700mm


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 70
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.1
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 95
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 2.5
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 100
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.5
valve adjuster knob - 4

800mm .357

reg1 - 150
reg2 - 130
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 4.25
valve adjuster knob - 4.5

Please use the following youtube tutorial for how to tune each one, as the process is the same to tune from these settings.

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Its prob better to see it just youtbe fx air rifle tune on youtube they explain the dial hammer diff regulater preasure all of it thats how i learned and they should have the diffrent calibers also soak it in,now i take all my guns apart and put back together best place to learn,i hope this helps and keep me updated how it worked out for you
I watched those and I still don't know when to do the HST and when to do the Valve. I am planning to try to talk to Ernest Rowe at the PY Air Cup. He will be able to clear it up. I will watch those again now and see if I can grasp it.
Maybe you should watch a more knowledgeable reviewer and learn for your self instead of showing your true colors to so many companies that you want to help you. This subject has been discussed so many times. Maybe watch an AEAC video and learn something instead of needing to be spoon fed everything on here.
You're not helping. Sounds like you don't care about the average M4 owner. I'm trying to understand it so I can explain it to others so they can experience accuracy out of the Impact. The FX Techs deserved it. FX commisioned a series of videos then took 4 months to send the the tune info. That's why I lost my patience. I'm not going to spend 200 hours on this. So going over old M3 videos and reading a bunch of theads is not an option for me. Besides that, I have already seen all the videos and read all the threads.

Your attitude is exactly why the M3 series never not get made. When I looked for M3 help on AGN there were a bunch of Impact owners who didn't want me in thier club. ...and at the time the FX tech department was useless. I'm sure they are better now. I was hoping AGN was better too.
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Here are the factory tunes from the FX Techs be starting with:

I got this list before I got mad one day and told them they should stop buying islands and instead build another building and hire more techs.

TUNES here for the M3:

compact impact M3 500mm


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 80
hammer macro -16
hammer micro - 2.25
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 98
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.0
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 110
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.25
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 115
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.25
valve adjuster knob - 4

Standard 600mm


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 80
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 2.25
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 100
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 2.75
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 105
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.1
valve adjuster knob - 4

Sniper 700mm


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 70
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.1
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 95
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 2.5
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 100
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.5
valve adjuster knob - 4

800mm .357

reg1 - 150
reg2 - 130
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 4.25
valve adjuster knob - 4.5

Please use the following youtube tutorial for how to tune each one, as the process is the same to tune from these settings.


Notice the Macro is always on 16 because it doesn't matter. 16 is a mid point so you can go up and down from there to quickly tune for lighter or heavier ammo. ...just noticed the Valve is always on 4 to start. ...OK This may not be so hard.
You're not helping. Sounds like you don't care about the average M4 owner. I'm trying to understand it so I can explain it to others so they can experience accuracy out of the Impact. The FX Techs deserved it. FX commisioned a series of videos then took 4 months to send the the tune info. That's why I lost my patience. I'm not going to spend 200 hours on this. So going over old M3 videos and reading a bunch of theads is not an option for me. Besides that, I have already seen all the videos and read all the threads.

Your attitude is exactly why the M3 series never not get made. When I looked for M3 help on AGN there were a bunch of Impact owners who didn't want me in thier club. ...and at the time the FX tech department was useless. I'm sure they are better now. I was hoping AGN was better too.
@Joedirt199 has a valid point in my opinion. Every gun is different, and copying tunes from sources will only get you in the ballpark. Tuning yourself is not that hard, and will give you better results for your specific gun. I learnt it in the youtube videos as well, and it doesn't need so much time.
Not familiar with the Impacts, but it seem like the valve adjuster ( which i think is the valve return spring ) nobody really touch that much, also what is indicated on the FX factory settings.
It is also sort of what i have learned on the assisted valve on my Two rifle, not really any need to touch that, or if you do make sub 1 mm adjustments, and even then i can not tell a difference, only when i have gone too far ( +1 mm ) either way do i see a difference and it is negative.

PS. i am a bit Amazed that they just set 130 BAR for a .357 / 9 mm, okay a smaller TP / path but on my .177 i have been to 140 BAR pushing 24 grain slugs thru a 700 mm long barrel.
And i assume even a light .357 are a lot heavier than 24 grain.
No you have asked this question before after you posted up your M3 "review". How can you make so manh videos and not know anything about how to tune. You also managed to piss off a manufacture in the process. Just shows so much character about yourself and how you operate. Tuning an impact has been covered so many times on here but you fail to read and comprehend the work that someone else has put it. You just want people to give you the numbers so you can make another video about it, take all the credit and move on to the next new thing to get views.
No you have asked this question before after you posted up your M3 "review". How can you make so manh videos and not know anything about how to tune. You also managed to piss off a manufacture in the process. Just shows so much character about yourself and how you operate. Tuning an impact has been covered so many times on here but you fail to read and comprehend the work that someone else has put it. You just want people to give you the numbers so you can make another video about it, take all the credit and move on to the next new thing to get views.
I don't care about views. I get paid cash from the manufactures. All the guns go back unless I buy them. My true colors are that if your going to be bad at your job, I'm going to say something. If FX techs can't email me a tunes list when I'm trying to provide $10k worth of videos for them, then I'm going to get mad about that. If you don't like people who voice concern when something is wrong, then that's on you. It's not a character flaw.
I will say making a tune table, well with umpteen weights in each caliber, and not forgetting the 2 types of ammo ( pellets / slugs )
Making something like that would be quite comprehensive, even if you just focussed on a few of the weights in each caliber.

I am amazed that the different rifle brands do not have a general cheat sheet for their rifles, which would give you the average speed you should shoot for with a given pellet / slug.
But beyond that i cant see what else brands could do to help their customers get the best possible experience with their product.

I also feel like this is sort of what FX have been trying to do with the numbered adjustment knobs on their rifles, but they just leaving it to the customers them selv to keep track / get advise from someone else.
And i think it is agreed upon that even with the FX system, you are only getting in the ballpark, and you might well have the final fine tune to do for your particular rifle / barrel.

Actually a place like this, should maybe also have a sticky with info like that, even if we hare in general talk about any and all brands and calibers.
Here are the factory tunes from the FX Techs I will be starting with:

I got this list before I got mad one day and told them they should stop buying islands and instead build another building and hire more techs.

TUNES here for the M3:

compact impact M3 500mm


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 80
hammer macro -16
hammer micro - 2.25
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 98
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.0
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 110
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.25
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 115
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.25
valve adjuster knob - 4

Standard 600mm


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 80
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 2.25
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 100
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 2.75
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 105
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.1
valve adjuster knob - 4

Sniper 700mm


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 70
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.1
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 95
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 2.5
valve adjuster knob - 4


reg1 - 150
reg2 - 100
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 3.5
valve adjuster knob - 4

800mm .357

reg1 - 150
reg2 - 130
hammer macro - 16
hammer micro - 4.25
valve adjuster knob - 4.5

Please use the following youtube tutorial for how to tune each one, as the process is the same to tune from these settings.


Notice the Macro is always on 16 because it doesn't matter. 16 is a mid point so you can go up and down from there to quickly tune for lighter or heavier ammo. ...just noticed the Valve is always on 4 to start. ...OK This may not be so hard.
16 on the macro is maximum not mid point. 6 is circled and is used as mid point.

At 16 you can roll the micro off the cam.

The air valve can have 4 or 6 rings I don't know which version the M4 has.

Plenum pressure is your base setting for the caliber/weight and will determine the most efficient setting for the air valve, macro, and micro.

You want your Plenum pressure set so that your air valve is more than half way open and your macro and micro settings are close to the circles.

This will give you the ability to fine tune based on differences in pellet weight.

When changing calibers, start with .177 and go up. Normally you can increase regulator output pressure without degassing the plenum but to reduce regulator output pressure you must degass the plenum.
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