Kral Arms New PCP and Loosing air after 30 shots

So I got a new Rexmex Daystar a few weeks ago, finally set it up the other day with scope and sighted. Walked out this morning and gun was at ZERO Pressure.. When I left it yesterday is was at 210 BAR. So refilled, noticed fill valve was a bit loose so tightened, shot a few pellets,, etc... Took a measurement and still losing about 10-20 BAR an hour.

Gun held pressure fine before shooting as I had it for a week before being able to play with it.

Can't feel ny air escaping anywhere.


Any help would be appreciated.. Obviously under warranty but if easy fix I rather just fix to avoid hassle.

The Reximex Daystar is the exact same rifle - from the same factory as the Benjamin Akela, Cayden and Kratos.

They are simple, unregulated rifles with very few o-rings.

These Turkish rifles are high value for their cost - I have 3 - very accurate barrels.

I’m not sure I can help the original poster without additional info. It seems he is on the right track troubleshooting as the fill valve was loose - so I’d remove, inspect and reinstall.

These rifles are awesome, but oversprung from the factory. The hammerspring should be cut to 2.8” in .22 caliber (will accommodate 18.13 and 15.89 pellets) and 2.58” in .177 (will accommodate 10.3 and 13.4g pellets). Benjamin put 3.5” springs in my .177 Akela and .22 Cayden. Reximex (the real manufacturer) put a 3.10” hammer spring in my .177 Daystar.

I shortened springs to my recommendations above - I’ve tested all hs lengths in .10” increments and posted results on GTA and AGN forums for years - you can search my results - shot string details.

Fix the fill valve leak, cut the hammer spring to my recommended lengths - and enjoy your awesome Reximex Daystar.

Good luck,

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So I got a new Rexmex Daystar a few weeks ago, finally set it up the other day with scope and sighted. Walked out this morning and gun was at ZERO Pressure.. When I left it yesterday is was at 210 BAR. So refilled, noticed fill valve was a bit loose so tightened, shot a few pellets,, etc... Took a measurement and still losing about 10-20 BAR an hour.

Gun held pressure fine before shooting as I had it for a week before being able to play with it.

Can't feel ny air escaping anywhere.


Any help would be appreciated.. Obviously under warranty but if easy fix I rather just fix to avoid hassle.

soapy water on anything that looks like it can leak and put a ballon on the barrel, if the soap doesn't show anything. You have a serious leak, it'll show up fast.
soapy water on anything that looks like it can leak and put a ballon on the barrel, if the soap doesn't show anything. You have a serious leak, it'll show up fast.
Balloon is a great idea.. I lost 50 BAR overnight after tightening the fill port, so maybe it slowed down. I will take valve off as well and see.

Thanks for the advice. If its not the fill port then must be something internal as the act of firing and filling made it leak as it sat on my bench for a week before mounting the scope without loosing a single BAR of air.

Looks like leaking out of barrell


IMHO, Most likely it is a valve seat causing the leak. Were it my gun, I would access the valve pin and attach a spinning device (electric drill). Hold pressure against the valve seat and spin the heck out of the pin to smooth out the seat.

The preceding advice is only MY opinion. You could try adding a drop of silicon oil to the fill probe next time you fill.