bottle connection to compressor: DIN or 1/8

I have a question on the connection between my compressor and the bottle. It's a very fast compressor with a 100l/min capacity (which is actually delivered). It's a Coltri Icon by the way. Currently I connect it via a normal DIN connection, which works perfectly fine.
However, using a 1/8 connection would be easier in use. If I change my valve towards one with a 1/8 connection it's a bit more convenient to fill my guns. So I'd need a DIN to 1/8 adapter.
But I was thinking this might reduce the airflow and hence increase the load on my compressor, or increase the fill times. Or doesn't it matter?
Anyone an opinion or some facts on this?
Here is something to think about too that way you’re not having to match compressor pressure to tank pressure
That Best Fittings unit is great, but do note that it does not have an integral bleed valve. If you use it, be sure that there is a bleed vlalve on both sides of it or you could get stuck with a pressurized line that you can't vent and can't disconnect without risking damage to the connections or yourself . . .
Yeah don’t connect to a gun “accidentally”………don’t ask me how I know