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HFT, Let's get it straight.

“What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.”

HFT is 'Hunter Field Target' and as far as I understand it is the name of the sport in England where shooters compete with sub 12 airguns in prone positions on the ground using a peg to steady their shot. I was taught we do not have active HFT events in America. We shoot WFTF and 'Field Target, Hunter Class' but not HFT. I bring this up because I consistently see HFT being used in conversations and forums throughout the U.S. Is it correct/accurate to use HFT? Are we using HFT as a generic term? Is it more correct to use 'Field Target' in its place? Does anyone know what the correct terms and definitions are? Let's get it straight.
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Yes. Although the term 'Hunter' might offend some politically-correct sensibilities when used in the context of American Field Target, who cares? In fact, GOOD!

The overly politically-correct need to be offended; they actually live for it. I'm not just happy to oblige, but have come to enjoy obliging. It's a mutually-beneficial relationship.

Next, someone(s) will take offense at calling Coca-Cola 'Coke'. So then I'll have to ask those someones why it doesn't also offend them when everyone calls their drug of choice Coke.:eek:


You're welcome.

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Just say (if referring to the American game) "Hunter Class"

and context should clue you in as to which sport is being discussed....

A longtime friend has taken offense at my calling my AAFTA style matches exactly that in order to accurately describe them, yet allow a little wiggle-room to deviate from the 30+ page AAFTA rulebook. In deference to our friendship I take no offense to his request, and will honor it.

I considered calling those particular matches Hunter style, but that's not accurate since I also offer WFTF & Open class options and will continue to call them that. Then it came to me that since I also stage Extreme FT and Pistol FT matches, and allow anyone to shoot any of my matches with any air rifle or pistol not exceeding the power limit of the particular match, I will call my matches 12 Foot Pound, 20 Foot Pound, and TEXtreme Field Target (100 FP) matches. I will continue to offer prizes for any class with at least five entrants, whatever the nomenclature.

Problem solved! 😁

I allow anyone to shoot any of my matches with any air rifle or pistol not exceeding the power limit of the particular match, I will call my matches 12 Foot Pound, 20 Foot Pound, and TEXtreme Field Target (100 FP) matches. I will continue to offer prizes for any class with at least five entrants, whatever the nomenclature.

Problem solved! 😁


Now, THAT'S what I call practical flexibility. 👏🏼

It certainly isn't a narrow-minded, rule-and-restriction-adoring, far-from-real-life-shooting-competition attitude 😖 — attitudes I sometimes detect when I read the rule books of current airgun competitions in the world....

I'm still very new at this, but I will have the chance to design and shape airgun competitions in the country I currently live in.....
So, these different attitudes ARE a big deal to me. 😊

Wait for next season when Mass Rifle ****s everything up. We will be hosting matches with 4 classes. 20fpe pcp and springer, 12fpe pcp and springer. All safety rules from common sense will be applied. Any equipment will be legal. Timers will be used.

Edit: take as many shots as you like while on the timer. Only the first one counts.
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Yes. Although the term 'Hunter' might offend some politically-correct sensibilities when used in the context of American Field Target, who cares? In fact, GOOD!

The overly politically-correct need to be offended; they actually live for it. I'm not just happy to oblige, but have come to enjoy obliging. It's a mutually-beneficial relationship.

Next, someone(s) will take offense at calling Coca-Cola 'Coke'. So then I'll have to ask those someones why it doesn't also offend them when everyone calls their drug of choice Coke.:eek:


You're welcome.

Started shooting Field Target back in the late 80's when it first started...folks have been arguing over what terminology should be used and how since it started. All just trying to be politically correct. Enjoy the game and stop trying to re write all the terms, in the end it changes nothing !!
All just trying to be politically correct.

I was involved in nomenclature discussions about what was decided to be Open class. At least one went something like this-

"How about American?"
"No. That sounds too nationalistic."
"How about Unlimited?"
"No. Can't do that since it isn't. No buckets, bipods or girdles allowed."
"How about Liberal?"
"No. Political overtones."
"Okay. Whatdaya think about Open?"
"Hmmm. I don't know. Hmmmmmm.":unsure:
"Open kinda infers 'minded'. You know, creating the illusion of intelligence."
"You might be onto something there. Hmmm. I can't think of a better or more descriptive alternative. Nor a political-correctness argument against it."
"Open it is, then!"

Think I recall nomenclature discussions about what was decided to be WFTF class, also; perhaps another good example of your comment quoted above. Not particularly a fan of political correctness myself, if objections are raised to calling WFTF class at my matches WFTF, I'll call it WTF? Class.

Because WFTF sounds too global.😂

Well if any of you guys read the AAFTA Rules you would clearly see that Hunter Field Target is NOT a "class" and neither are open or WFTF. They are DIVISIONS within the AAFTA framework. There can be c;lasses within each AAFTA Division depending on whether you shoot a PCP or springer type rifle. Other designations like "unlimited" are not within the AAFTA Rules so you can call them whatever you want.
And yes, the Hunter Division of AAFTA is a completely different game than the UK game of Hunter Field Target.
Sorry for the semi-rant but it would be helpful if everyone would read the AAFTA Rules.
Rick B.
Well if any of you guys read the AAFTA Rules you would clearly see that Hunter Field Target is NOT a "class" and neither are open or WFTF. They are DIVISIONS within the AAFTA framework. There can be c;lasses within each AAFTA Division depending on whether you shoot a PCP or springer type rifle. Other designations like "unlimited" are not within the AAFTA Rules so you can call them whatever you want.
And yes, the Hunter Division of AAFTA is a completely different game than the UK game of Hunter Field Target.
Sorry for the semi-rant but it would be helpful if everyone would read the AAFTA Rules.
Rick B.
They will be interpreted differently by everyone that reads them...same for the past 40 years.
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Well if any of you guys read the AAFTA Rules you would clearly see that Hunter Field Target is NOT a "class" and neither are open or WFTF. They are DIVISIONS within the AAFTA framework. There can be c;lasses within each AAFTA Division depending on whether you shoot a PCP or springer type rifle. Other designations like "unlimited" are not within the AAFTA Rules so you can call them whatever you want.
And yes, the Hunter Division of AAFTA is a completely different game than the UK game of Hunter Field Target.
Sorry for the semi-rant but it would be helpful if everyone would read the AAFTA Rules.
Rick B.

I've read the AAFTA rules many times in the last quarter-century or so. Problem is, they sometimes change. I would say 'evolve', was that not always the right word for it. :unsure:

Oh... and that they sometimes change isn't the only problem. In that same last quarter-century I've aged a quarter-century; so redundancy, details and minutiae don't STICK like they used to. Not to in any way suggest or infer the 30+ page AAFTA handbook...


“What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.”

HFT is 'Hunter Field Target' and as far as I understand it is the name of the sport in England where shooters compete with sub 12 airguns in prone positions on the ground using a peg to steady their shot. I was taught we do not have active HFT events in America. We shoot WFTF and 'Field Target, Hunter Class' but not HFT. I bring this up because I consistently see HFT being used in conversations and forums throughout the U.S. Is it correct/accurate to use HFT? Are we using HFT as a generic term? Is it more correct to use 'Field Target' in its place? Does anyone know what the correct terms and definitions are? Let's get it straight.
American Field target works for me
Then two division's <12 or <20
Subdivisions that follow are easy: springer and PCP and maybe flame thrower
Further subdivisions as appropriate based on allowable equipment and age / disabilities
Like the Olympics you have to leave room for modernization of the games
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