Daisy BB Gun Accuracy

Shot 5 shot groups at 10 yds from a rest with the following guns:

New Barro Pump Up Cowboy Hornady Black Diamonds - China??? - 4" group
New Red Ryder Adult with Hornady Black Diamonds - China??? - 2.5" group
New Daisy Avanti 499 with Avanti match BBs - China??? - 1" group (not shot much so not use to sights so thinking I can do better)
Vintage Daisy 111 with Hornady Black Diamonds - Arkansas - 1.25" group
Vintage Daisy 25 with Hornady Black Diamonds - Arkansas - 1.25" group

The Daisy 499 had the best trigger pull followed by the Daisy Red Ryder. The other guns trigger pull were terrible. Was surprised at the accuracy of the vintage guns. Sights were not that good and guns very light, Has the quality of the Daisy barrels gone down when production moved to China??? Was also wondering it the Plymouth MI barrel may have been the best. I assume the Daisy 499 was made in China so good barrels are possible from them. The Adult Red Ryder handled and shot nice with good weight but those old guns beat it easily in accuracy. Any thoughts.
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Nice to read your BB gun results.I am in the process of finding the way for best BB gun accuracy,First the barrel is nothing but a tube..Exchanging different tubes in different guns =may give better accuracy....the crux is this the barrel is nothing but a tube,the tube is not a precision piece ,thus the way to go about this problem ,=finding the right size,consisent size BB for each tube.....the tighter the fit ,the better the results...
I have installed the power booster spring and larger air tubs to boost the power,sure does work,next is to narrow the tube ,It will take me a while to get around doing this.my idea,is to find the most consistent made BBs and use them as a model for modifying the tubes.
Let me say this is not that hard or time consuming,as putting a model together.
Truth is I just needed a break from pellet guns,a BB gun is simple and the feel of a lever cocking the rifle is great,and so fast to .
Yea,I with you the 10 yards thing, 10 feet is for spit balls :ROFLMAO:
I had a Daisy 25, that I bought from J.C. Penney for about $13 back in 1963, and was pretty accurate and easy to cock with the pump style mechanism. I had bought another on Ebay a few years ago that needs works, (broken trigger spring). Should get to it this winter. I took a lot of hosps in the summer and army men in the basement in the winter with the first one that I had.
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The thing about BB’s is that the groups start to open up exponentially the farther out you go. If you can get consistent 1” groups at 10 yards you are doing awesome. My Barra 400E probably puts 90% of its BB’s into 1” at 10 yards, but the remaining 10% open those groups up to 2.5”.

I’ve noticed that this seems to be a consistent thing regardless of what gun you use though. It’s just a matter of how far they fly straight before they start to veer off and go wild. At 5 yards they all seem to shoot well and at 20 or 30 yards it seems like fliers are the rule and you can watch some of them flying off like curveballs. At least that’s been my experience so far.
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Shot 5 shot groups at 10 yds from a rest with the following guns:

New Barro Pump Up Cowboy Hornady Black Diamonds - China??? - 4" group
New Red Ryder Adult with Hornady Black Diamonds - China??? - 2.5" group
New Daisy Avanti 499 with Avanti match BBs - China??? - 1" group (not shot much so not use to sights so thinking I can do better)
Vintage Daisy 111 with Hornady Black Diamonds - Arkansas - 1.25" group
Vintage Daisy 25 with Hornady Black Diamonds - Arkansas - 1.25" group

The Daisy 499 had the best trigger pull followed by the Daisy Red Ryder. The other guns trigger pull were terrible. Was surprised at the accuracy of the vintage guns. Sights were not that good and guns very light, Has the quality of the Daisy barrels gone down when production moved to China??? Was also wondering it the Plymouth MI barrel may have been the best. I assume the Daisy 499 was made in China so good barrels are possible from them. The Adult Red Ryder handled and shot nice with good weight but those old guns beat it easily in accuracy. Any thoughts.
I shoot my mod 35 daily and find that a clean, dry barrel is paramount. I pull a patch thru after every mag (50 rounds) and find shots 2 thru 35 or 40 are fine, but those last ones are pretty funky. And yes, even that gun likes a clearing shot.
I think the inconsistent size of BB is the main cause of "flyers" ,not being concentric, or out of round. Of course, after so many yards all goes the heck.The tube or barrel size does not change. I remember how I would make sure my "shooter" was the best choice by spinning it and making sure it stayed put. I gave away my age as I was a marble champion and wore out many pairs of pants at the knees.(y)
Don't remember what year but less than 5 years ago, went to the Daisy Museum in Rodgers and the curator there said the 499 was the only Daisy still made in the US so I bought one... and a bunch of the Daisy Precision bb's. Haven't shot paper further than 5 yds but can hit paintballs reliably at 10. Not as good with the Wally Crosman bulk pack bb's.
Fun stuff, regardless...
I had a model 99 when I was a kid. My dad was a local NRA instructor and had bought several. They had interchangeable barrel/magazine tubes that went inside a sheet metal barrel housing.

One night I went through 4-5 of those barrels and found one that was sweet. Some were and some weren't. When we had a shoot and some kid shot well I'd check out his barrel afterward.

Those guns were pretty accurate. We shot all sorts of little targets. I don't know how they shoot by today's standards or how they would match up. You could bet any of those kids could hit an asprin at 10 yards with a few shots even with the barrels I passed over.
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