Brocock/BRK Sniper XR Magnum .22 owners, please step inside!

So I’m pretty sure I’ve settled on a Sniper XR Magnum as my first “premium” PCP, but I’m trying to decide on what caliber to go with. A quick bit of back story and my intended use may be helpful here.

About two years ago, I bought my first PCP, which was a Benjamin Marauder in .25. Unfortunately life got kinda crazy right after getting it and I never had a chance to use it before the guy I bought it from offered to buy it back during a time when I needed to free up some funds. As such, I’m left with about 2,000 or so pellets in .25, so I’ve been heavily considering another PCP in the ol’ quarter bore. However, depending on what pellets I go with, I can get almost twice as many shots for my dollar in .22, and that’s nothing to sneeze at!

My use will primarily be plinking/target shooting, smaller pests and varmints, as well as squirrel and rabbit out to 125y or so. Occasional shots at farther distances are possible, but most will be well within that distance and if I have to I can switch to a powder burner for farther shots. I understand that heavier projectiles retain velocity/energy and buck wind better, and that’s been my main draw to the .25 more than anything.

Additionally, if I *really* want to use them, JSB Jumbo Monster Grand and Beast pellets are available in .22, which largely bridge the gap between the .22 and the .25. My question is, have any of you Magnum owners tried these and can report on how well they did? Accuracy trumps all IMO as I’d rather rely on a lower energy shot placed in vitals than sling heavies and hope one connects with my target, but I’m looking to see what kind of velocities and accuracy y’all can get with these heavier options. I understand they’ll move slower and that’ll give me a more parabolic trajectory, but that’s what ballistic calculators and good DOPE are for. ;)

Basically, I’m trying to decide if I should go with a .22 now and maybe just get another Marauder to use up the .25s, or if I should just swing big. I already have a Benjamin Cayden in .22 that’s nice for what it is so I have a .25 “gap” in my safe, but I just think a .22 will see more use overall given pellet prices and I’m trying to validate my thought process on using heavies to bridge that performance gap when desired before I spend money on a rifle. Thanks in advance!
Many PCP platforms work very well in certain calibers or caliber ranges, not so well as that platform strays outside its comfort level. In my opinion the Sniper XR Magnum's best caliber is .22, not so much .25. Mind you, much of my high-power airgunning is Extreme Field Target competition specific, so my opinions are influenced by same.

I shoot a .25 Daystate Red Wolf HP in rifle EFT, and my .22 Sniper XR Magnum converted to pistol/carbine convertible in pistol EFT (in pistol form).

RW FL.jpg

Sniper convertible.jpg

But in my search for the right EFT gun(s) I've owned far too many powerful .22, .25 and .30 PCPs, and tested them all extensively. Hence, some pertinent notes.
1) I've never seen a high-power .22 PCP shoot any pellet heavier than 25.4 grains accurately.
2) I've seen very few high-power .22 PCPs shoot 25.4s well, and those that have were extremely finicky about which particular 25.4; right down to the LOT NUMBER.
3) Virtually every mid to high-power .22 PCP I've owned (DOZENS) shoot 18.1s incredibly well, even at velocities up tp 1050 FPS.
4) In .25 caliber the Sniper XR Magnum, Daystate Wolverine HP, and Marauder aren't powerful enough platforms for 33.95 pellets. They excel with 25.4 grain JSBs.

The Sniper XR Magnum's sweet-spot is .22 caliber.

Bro Sniper 4x5 at 100.jpg
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So I’m pretty sure I’ve settled on a Sniper XR Magnum as my first “premium” PCP, but I’m trying to decide on what caliber to go with. A quick bit of back story and my intended use may be helpful here.

About two years ago, I bought my first PCP, which was a Benjamin Marauder in .25. Unfortunately life got kinda crazy right after getting it and I never had a chance to use it before the guy I bought it from offered to buy it back during a time when I needed to free up some funds. As such, I’m left with about 2,000 or so pellets in .25, so I’ve been heavily considering another PCP in the ol’ quarter bore. However, depending on what pellets I go with, I can get almost twice as many shots for my dollar in .22, and that’s nothing to sneeze at!

My use will primarily be plinking/target shooting, smaller pests and varmints, as well as squirrel and rabbit out to 125y or so. Occasional shots at farther distances are possible, but most will be well within that distance and if I have to I can switch to a powder burner for farther shots. I understand that heavier projectiles retain velocity/energy and buck wind better, and that’s been my main draw to the .25 more than anything.

Additionally, if I *really* want to use them, JSB Jumbo Monster Grand and Beast pellets are available in .22, which largely bridge the gap between the .22 and the .25. My question is, have any of you Magnum owners tried these and can report on how well they did? Accuracy trumps all IMO as I’d rather rely on a lower energy shot placed in vitals than sling heavies and hope one connects with my target, but I’m looking to see what kind of velocities and accuracy y’all can get with these heavier options. I understand they’ll move slower and that’ll give me a more parabolic trajectory, but that’s what ballistic calculators and good DOPE are for. ;)

Basically, I’m trying to decide if I should go with a .22 now and maybe just get another Marauder to use up the .25s, or if I should just swing big. I already have a Benjamin Cayden in .22 that’s nice for what it is so I have a .25 “gap” in my safe, but I just think a .22 will see more use overall given pellet prices and I’m trying to validate my thought process on using heavies to bridge that performance gap when desired before I spend money on a rifle. Thanks in advance!
I own 3 fx guns. I target shoot with them and anything else I may want to shoot. I shoot my 25 caliber gun the most.ive changed my crown and impact to 25 and shot them that way. My impacts in 30cal,now my crown in 22 and my panthera in 25. I shoot my panthera the most. Like it best. My impact is most accurate of all in any caliber,but I like the panthera in 25. I can see the holes it makes better,easy to load the mags, more consistant accurate in the wind. I'd suggest getting a 25 and giving it a try. The price of ammo is not that much more.
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I'm a .22 guy, and I have a Sniper in .22 that is a super airgun. I regularly shoot it at 100 yards and couldn't ask for anything more. The accuracy is nothing short of amazing, and consistency is also stellar. I can shoot a full string with a 9 fps spread. The good news is that mine seems to like any pellet, even cheap Crosman, and it really likes the new single die Benjamin pellets. I don't think you can go wrong with the rifle, the caliber is your choice. My view is, I don't need a .25 and pellets are more expensive for them.
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This is all excellent feedback everyone, thank you!

I’m leaning more towards a .22 at the moment but wouldn’t turn down a good deal on a .25 Magnum if one popped up. As I continue reading user reviews, that could change but we’ll see.

I certainly understand the notion of trying to squeeze blood from a turnip haha. Powder burners function much the same way in that you CAN make certain cartridges shoot a specific projectile, but it may come at the cost of shorter brass life, more/faster barrel wear, increased recoil, etc., so thank you for reinforcing the fact that airguns are the same in that regard, @AirNGasman . I’ve chosen the BRK (and am considering a Taipan as a “backup” choice) because of their reputation for being versatile and easily tuned to varying levels of performance, among other reasons. Here’s to hoping that holds true, but I’m looking forward to the journey either way!