Why oh, Why do Lefty's Keep getting the Shaft???

In todays day and and age why on god's green earth do the gun manufacturers continue to make guns Right Hand only, or at least damn near impossible for a lefty?

Are we any less of a shooter?

Did lefty shooters offend these manufactures in the past?

I have asked some of them for the reasoning and got fed a line of BS about design and production cost... Come on now.... I do happen to know a little bit about design and production of machined parts. I own and run a successful business in the field...

Trust me when I tell you it costs No more to design a product on center or off center

It is just frustrating as a lefty and pretty damn stupid of the manufacturers to blatantly choose to lose the money on something that costs no more to make.....

Ok I feel better getting that of my chest, hopefully some of you fellow lefty's will chime in.

Stay cool mi amifgos
In todays day and and age why on god's green earth do the gun manufacturers continue to make guns Right Hand only, or at least damn near impossible for a lefty?

Are we any less of a shooter?

Did lefty shooters offend these manufactures in the past?

I have asked some of them for the reasoning and got fed a line of BS about design and production cost... Come on now.... I do happen to know a little bit about design and production of machined parts. I own and run a successful business in the field...

Trust me when I tell you it costs No more to design a product on center or off center

It is just frustrating as a lefty and pretty damn stupid of the manufacturers to blatantly choose to lose the money on something that costs no more to make.....

Ok I feel better getting that of my chest, hopefully some of you fellow lefty's will chime in.

Stay cool mi amifgos
This would be like asking Lincoln car company to make a few right had drive for postal delivery guys to buy and drive .
Back to your inquiry some companies do make real lefty guns . HW97 /77 and TX200 are made totally lefty not just the stock .
It's better now than it used to be but far from lefty paradise. I find it amusing that Fred Axxelson of FX is left handed and many of their models are not lefty friendly. I've never owned and would never buy a right hand bolt action rifle. A side lever is not a problem for me though. An ambidextrous stock is not that much of an issue to design, yet many stocks have a righty friendly cheekpiece. I do give kudos to Daystate and Air Arms for making their models ambidetrous with reversible sidelevers or in some cases offering a true lefty design. One of my favorite PCPs is a Daystate Revere .22 in a true left handed model.
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Small clarification...
I am not asking for a left hand only; I am simply asking for a "universal" for both right and left handers.

I have passed on many guns because they are just impossible for me to shoot.... I don't mind right hand cocking as a lefty, keeps my finger on the trigger. But when a mag is bashing into my face i find that irritating.. Lol
Am I missing something? AGT, RTI, EDgun, Taipan, and Cricket are all lefty friendly.
Fairly small list in the grand scheme ...
Those are all damn fine guns, I currently own a few of them, and have owned them all..

True most Daystates are lefty friendly, but a few are Not and you pay an exorbitant amount of money to special order one that is not ambidextrous....
I'm old enough to remember when left handers were forced to be right! LOL

Exactly. Take it out of your left hand and make you do it with the right. Every damn day. Didn't miss a crack about the "wrong hand".

I always shot a right handed rifle. Thats what i had. Im not sure i even realized a rifle could be left handed. I just grabbed the first one I could get my hands on and started shooting it. I managed to figure it out.

I shot left handed until I was 10-12. I shot either way for several years. Off a rest I favored left. Offhand always right. By the time I was 25 my right eye was dominant and I've been shooting off the right since.

Still left handed and right brained. Just right eye dominant.
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Like everyone else on earth air gun manufacturers need to discriminate against someone.
Since they cannot design guns that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation, there is nothing remaining for them but lefties,
A sinistra
I've known several right handers that are left eye dominant. I'm a Southpaw with an evil right eye. I'm not sure we are discriminating against Southpaws with rifle design. It's eye dominance that dictates the shoulder you mount your rifle on.

So it's really eye dominance and not right handedness that drives the market. You might be surprised at how many people are actually left eye dominant. It doesn't always line up with left handedness.
Small clarification...
I am not asking for a left hand only; I am simply asking for a "universal" for both right and left handers.

I have passed on many guns because they are just impossible for me to shoot.... I don't mind right hand cocking as a lefty, keeps my finger on the trigger. But when a mag is bashing into my face i find that irritating.. Lol
I'm with you bfloyd I do the same. Have also passed on many guns that were right handed stocks, but on the bright side of things it has saved me a TON of MONEY LOL :)
I shoot left-handed,for many decades I used right-handed rifles. Never again,I will say in the PB world most rifle manufacturers do make left-hand models as so do some of the Air gun manufacturers..I have bought some custom-made stocks because they were offered in left-handed models..... old bs about learning to shoot right-handed,I can, but it takes me longer to get a sight picture.,Yes indeed Pistols are the way to go, those I shoot right-handed . "separate but equal",What?:eek::ROFLMAO:
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In todays day and and age why on god's green earth do the gun manufacturers continue to make guns Right Hand only, or at least damn near impossible for a lefty?

Are we any less of a shooter?

Did lefty shooters offend these manufactures in the past?

I have asked some of them for the reasoning and got fed a line of BS about design and production cost... Come on now.... I do happen to know a little bit about design and production of machined parts. I own and run a successful business in the field...

Trust me when I tell you it costs No more to design a product on center or off center

It is just frustrating as a lefty and pretty damn stupid of the manufacturers to blatantly choose to lose the money on something that costs no more to make.....

Ok I feel better getting that of my chest, hopefully some of you fellow lefty's will chime in.

Stay cool mi amifgos
They make a number of platforms that easily go lefty