DNT Zulus 3-12

Anyone order one yet? I really loved my Zulus 5-20 but even on 5 power sometimes I found it too zoomed in for some of my very close pesting. Sold it and was looking at maybe a 2-12 scope but saw the 3-12s are available for order. So decided looking at videos from the UK the FOV is much better so ordered one. Sounds like with new updates it should like it even more!
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I got the scope on Thursday, entered my previous info from my ballistic setup on my 5-20 and got it sighted in. Haven't had much time to test besides some random dirt holes and so far it's all lining up as before. Smashed 2 pigeons at 72yds and was dead on. I LOVE the larger field of view. Long shots I'm still only using about 6x max so it works very well for me. Gotta say this is one of my top 5 buys in airgunning to date.
I got the scope on Thursday, entered my previous info from my ballistic setup on my 5-20 and got it sighted in. Haven't had much time to test besides some random dirt holes and so far it's all lining up as before. Smashed 2 pigeons at 72yds and was dead on. I LOVE the larger field of view. Long shots I'm still only using about 6x max so it works very well for me. Gotta say this is one of my top 5 buys in airgunning to date.
Sweet Dillon! Can't wait to see some vids! I finally got to whack a coon tonight with the PARD DS35. If you're looking for another NV setup, I'd recommend trying one.
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Sweet Dillon! Can't wait to see some vids! I finally got to whack a coon tonight with the PARD DS35. If you're looking for another NV setup, I'd recommend trying one.
Yup vids will be coming soon now that it is all setup again. I've heard those are pretty cool scopes. I like the circle screen like a scope. Im not sure I'll need another one but I will look into them for sure if I do.
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I'd love to hear what the other 4 of your top-5 buys were! 😎

Lol well Matthias I would put a compressor in there, then my tripods, a range finder, the Zulus and then probably my Taipan Veteran Long. No particular order but those would be my top 5.
Is there any difference in image clarity/resolution between the 3x12 and the 5x20?

At 20 power does it get super grainy?
How about max 12 power - grainy?

Which one has the better overall image?
You might be better off asking this question to one of the 3 British pundits on the AGF UK. As far as I remember (as this was answered already a couple of months ago) the 5-20 has slightly better clarity, but since you are looking at a very small display, it is not very obvious. (Not my personal experience, as I only have the 5-20)

What I can tell you is that the 5-20 has still excellent clarity (i.e. no graining) at 20x BUT, the lighting conditions must be good. When the lighting is suboptimal (towards darkness) it gets grainier with increasing zoom, but if that is the case, simply switch to nightmode, and Bob’s your uncle! (but it is remarkable how long you can still use daymode when it is dusk, much longer than when you can see with your naked eyes!) The sensor/display (sony starvis) is so much better than the ATN 4k, especially at higher zoom levels. (The ATN gets very grainy ver fast up to unuseable, whereas on the Zulus, the image is very good even at 20x)
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5-20x: It is remarkable how long you can still use daymode when it is dusk, much longer than when you can see with your naked eyes! The sensor/display (Sony Starvis) is so much better than the ATN 4k, especially at higher zoom levels. (The ATN gets very grainy ver fast up to unuseable, whereas on the Zulus, the image is very good even at 20x)


your detailed comment clarified an important aspect for me about the Zulus and NV in general (yupp, I'm a total beginner with NV).

Thank you so much! 😃

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Is there any difference in image clarity/resolution between the 3x12 and the 5x20?

At 20 power does it get super grainy?
How about max 12 power - grainy?

Which one has the better overall image?
What you need to realize is the images will look different when compared side by side when your at 10x on the 3-12 compared to 10x on the 5-20. This is because the starting or base magnification is different while 10x on the 3-12 is almost at its end of digital zoom the 5-20 still has plenty. The fair or equal test is the 5-20 at 17.5x. Out of all the day/night scopes I have tested the zulus had been amazing at keeping clarity at magnification. Like stated above the sensors like light. The 3-12 gives you that extra FOV but both scopes are awesome. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. The video where the woodchuck is by the shed is the 3-12 no pesting just testing.

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What you need to realize is the images will look different when compared side by side when your at 10x on the 3-12 compared to 10x on the 5-20. This is because the starting or base magnification is different while 10x on the 3-12 is almost at its end of digital zoom the 5-20 still has plenty. The fair or equal test is the 5-20 at 17.5x. Out of all the day/night scopes I have tested the zulus had been amazing at keeping clarity at magnification. Like stated above the sensors like light. The 3-12 gives you that extra FOV but both scopes are awesome. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. The video where the woodchuck is by the shed is the 3-12 no pesting just testing.

That chuck was extremely lucky you were just “testing”….🙈 Am still seriously digging on my basic Zulus 5-20x, the rats simply hate it, thank you for the insights prior to my purchase…🙏
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I haven't noticed any difference in clarity between the 3-12 or 5-20. I do know I like the 3-12 more though based on the larger FOV. Also I usually only used it on up to 6x. I don't need high magnification or really like it for my shooting. It's not on a target gun only for pesting so no need to be super precise but it doesn't hinder my shooting at all. This is 5 shots at 54yds with it on 6x on my Taipan Short which is no bench shooter being so little but does very well.
Also sun is down but in daylight mode can still see great. I know I keep forgetting to record when I shoot still very new to me.
This would be a much easier decision if the 5x20 was 2.5x20 like the neith.

So what I'm hearing is no one really sees any image degradation at the higher powers. Just needing more light with more zoom.

I have a bering optics phenom thermal scanner. I have a pvs14. I have quality IR capable security cameras. I have a little familiarity with seeing in the dark a few different ways.
What I don't have is a see in the dark, weapon mounted aiming devise.
I really just want to shoot mice with an airgun after dark. Zulus seems like the best bang for the buck at the moment.

decisions, decisions...
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