Looking for the best multi-pump air rifle to control nuisance goats on my acreage...

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Rule #3 - Illegal use, self-defense, or unsafe operation/handling of an airgun (or any product) is prohibited.
I have a 22 acre mini-farm on a mountain top with a small cabin and I have a neighbor that has no intentions of ever keeping their goats on their property since most of their land is forested and so for a while now their goats have been coming to my pasture to graze and now that I'm retired I'm seeing the damage they are inflicting on my dogwood trees by standing on their hind legs and feasting on the leaves of the lower limbs so I'm looking for an air rifle that I can target the hindquarters of the larger billy goats with steel bb's or possibly pellets and I figured by using a multi-pump rifle I could dial down the impact sufficiently to run them off but do no irreparable harm and once the billy goats are on the run then the rest of the herd will follow. I'm wanting to try and sting but not penetrate their hide. Any suggestions as to a particular brand and model would be helpful since air rifles are an entirely new world for me. I was hoping for something manufactured in the U.S.A. or at least something not made in China...
I’d simply invest in a lawyer to write a strongly worded letter. It’ll cost about the same as a decent air rifle, and be far more effective at leading to a permanent solution.

Then sue your neighbor for damages if they don’t comply.

Another solution would be some loud fireworks. They also make shotgun shells specifically for scaring critters out of fields. I’d avoid actually shooting the goats, as opposed to simply “hazing” them every time they venture onto your property.
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