Garmin Xero C1 Minimum Range

I have not shot a pellet or slug or bullet with mine indoors at close range, so cannot answer directly. However I have tested with a rubber band, pulled tightly over tip of finger then released, fired directly over Xero into a wall about 2 meters away. Xero reads it every time within 2 meters.

For the curious:
Velocity of rubber band: +- 156fps
BC of rubber band: 0.00000000000000001
FPE of rubber band - WTF

So who knows with a bullet\pellet, will need some testing.
@jccams This is what I was wondering. I'm waiting to see what someone who has used one indoors has to say.
Well where I was shooting was certainly darker than indoors.
thumbnail (95).jpeg
The Xero uses a 24GHz RADAR signal, using the Doppler effect, to bounce signals off the projectile as it flies. The reflected signal will be at a slightly different frequency than what was transmitted. In addition, the reflected frequency is altered by whether the projectile is moving towards or away from the Xero. These frequency shifts of the reflections yield the velocity. Lighting and sound (another medium where the Doppler effect takes place) have no effect on the system.

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