FX Fx impact m4, why did they got rid of 1st reg?

I almost pulled the trigger on the m4 but then found out they got rid of the 1st reg. Why did they get rid of the first reg for? To save cost? Or were ppl having too much problem with the 1st reg. I think I saw where ppl say they getting leaks from it. If fx got rid of the 1st reg then why sell it for $2199? Why not sell for $2000 since you removed the 1st reg and put a plug in. Now we have to spend $40 on a new gauge and $100-150 to get complete 1st reg to install on the m4. I could just get a m3 but the m4 look way cooler with other upgrades so why would I downgrade to the m3. But I am not gonna get the m4 due to them removing the 1st reg. Aint gonna spend $150-200 extra to install that. The reason I want 1st reg is to use 300 bar bottle and also lower the bottle pressure from 300 bar to 180 bar b4 it goes into the 2nd reg so less stress on 2nd reg. It will also creep less and also get more shots. Isnt that the reason they put the 1st reg in the m3? To battle reg creep and put less stress on the 2nd reg. Can't believe they would downgrade on that part. I guess I will wait for the m5 and see what happens.
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I almost pulled the trigger on the m4 but then found out they got rid of the 1st reg. Why did they get rid of the first reg for? To save cost? Or were ppl having too much problem with the 1st reg. I think I saw where ppl say they getting leaks from it. If fx got rid of the 1st reg then why sell it for $2199? Why not sell for $2000 since you removed the 1st reg and put a plug in. Now we have to spend $40 on a new gauge and $100-150 to get complete 1st reg to install on the m4. I could just get a m3 but the m4 look way cooler with other upgrades so why would I downgrade to the m3. But I am not gonna get the m4 due to them removing the 1st reg. Aint gonna spend $150-200 extra to install that. The reason I want 1st reg is to use 300 bar bottle and also lower the bottle pressure from 300 bar to 180 bar b4 it goes into the 2nd reg so less stress on 2nd reg. It will also creep less and also get more shots. Isnt that the reason they put the 1st reg in the m3? To battle reg creep and put less stress on the 2nd reg. Can't believe they would downgrade on that part. I guess I will wait for the m5 and see what happens.
They had 2 regs before because 1 regulator couldnt handle the preasure and now the new regulator is made out of brass so it can handle the preasure
I believe fx claims the m4 reg can handle higher pressure so 2 aren’t necessary. Translates to two were never necessary and was a selling gimmick. I used to like the idea of 2 until I had to rebuild one. Trust me you don’t want 2. Lol
So the 1 reg on the m4 can handle a 300 bar bottle? I kinda find it hard to believe it would handle 300 bar down to like 100-130bar. What about folks who shoots .177 and .22 and want to set reg to 70-90 bar. That's a lot of pressure for 1 reg imo. I kinda feel like they did it to save on cost and still sell the gun at full price aka $2199.
Then just buy a M3 and it will tide you over until the M5. They didn’t fix anything ground breaking with the M4. If they think their barrel system is good enough then I certainly understand them thinking one reg will be good enough. And it saves places like Utah Airguns the aggravation of fixing or helping guys that obsessed over that first reg. It must have been more than the average shooter could bare.
So the 1 reg on the m4 can handle a 300 bar bottle? I kinda find it hard to believe it would handle 300 bar down to like 100-130bar. What about folks who shoots .177 and .22 and want to set reg to 70-90 bar. That's a lot of pressure for 1 reg imo. I kinda feel like they did it to save on cost and still sell the gun at full price aka $2199.
Single regs are strong i have seen people put them at 170 bfore with zero problems
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Single regs are strong i have seen people put them at 170 bfore with zero problems
Actually I don't plan to run 170 or close to that pressure. I know huma makes regs for the impact that can handle that kind of pressure or even higher. My point on the dual reg is not about trying to run high pressure. But it is about running lower pressure. Example I want to put a 300 bar 580cc bottle for more shots. And I want to set the reg to about 110-120 bar. The reg would have to deal with a 300 bar fill and regulating it down to 110 bar. That seem a lot. I would prefer to have dual reg so the 1st reg can drop the 300 bar down to say 150 bar. Then 2nd reg will only deal with 150 bar down to 110 bar. Well that is my understanding of how the dual reg is supposed to be for.
FX said that customers prefered the simplicity of 1 regulator.
FX listens to their customers, and thus they introduced the M4.
Don't they make pass through adaptors for folks that doesn't want the 1st reg? So pressure from bottle will go straight to the 2nd reg. Kinda defeat the point of the m4 if that was the case.
Actually I don't plan to run 170 or close to that pressure. I know huma makes regs for the impact that can handle that kind of pressure or even higher. My point on the dual reg is not about trying to run high pressure. But it is about running lower pressure. Example I want to put a 300 bar 580cc bottle for more shots. And I want to set the reg to about 110-120 bar. The reg would have to deal with a 300 bar fill and regulating it down to 110 bar. That seem a lot. I would prefer to have dual reg so the 1st reg can drop the 300 bar down to say 150 bar. Then 2nd reg will only deal with 150 bar down to 110 bar. Well that is my understanding of how the dual reg is supposed to be for.
If the rear reg of the m3 was plastic, it is now brass, Therefore, now the second reg is a lot stronger and can handle much higher pressures than it could previously so there's no need for a first reg to take the brunt of the load.