Keep it Clean! With Ballistol (& Giveaway)

Very nice of you to do a personal give away. I hope whoever wins, enjoys the product. Like you, I started using it when I got into pcp because everyone agreed that it was safe. It is not too often that everyone agrees on anything, so that means something. I will admit that I really did not like the smell at first but it has kind of grown on me and I don't mind it so much now. I find it interesting that Ballistol didn't realize that the airgun community used their product. I always figured it was them that got the ball rolling at trade shows, but I guess not.
Very nice of you to do a personal give away. I hope whoever wins, enjoys the product. Like you, I started using it when I got into pcp because everyone agreed that it was safe. It is not too often that everyone agrees on anything, so that means something. I will admit that I really did not like the smell at first but it has kind of grown on me and I don't mind it so much now. I find it interesting that Ballistol didn't realize that the airgun community used their product. I always figured it was them that got the ball rolling at trade shows, but I guess not.
Maybe in Europe they do, but the reps here in the states didn’t really have Airguns as part of their world if you will. Nice guys, but I think they are not “Ballistol” per se, but rather reps only. When I told them about airguns, it clicked right away as in Aha!