So you look at their name to see where there from, USA, No town no state, Postal Money order only, Might as well send cash,, I used to trust everyone and I mean everyone , I have been burned on the gun sites 50, bucks 100 bucks , I didn't go broke and there not getting rich, At least with Pay Pal or a CC you have some protection, Sending cash or a Postal money order you have NONE,,, Ok I will stop bitching , Seen this stuff on the for sale site seen a few items I might like but no I am not sending a Money order, cash, or a blank check.
You dont even have an address on here, But we can trust you right, LOL.
More and more people are dropping PayPal for various reasons. There aren't too many other options, sad as it is, it's getting harder and harder to buy and sell used anything these days, especially when it involves shipping it to another state. I just sold a scope to another member yesterday and he recognized me as a long standing member and had no problem sending me the money via Zelle because he does not use PayPal, but if I were a new guy with an unknown reputation, I doubt he'd have done business with me. Sad that it has come to this, but I agree, it you are new, selling something and don't accept PayPal, I probably won't be doing business with you unless it's face to face.
I know of very, very few Private Sellers that take credit cards.
Setting up an account with Square is very easy,
Once you set up the account, they send you a small plug-in card reader (into your phone or tablet) for point sale transactions or you can credit/debt card transactions manually entered via phone.
The charges per transaction are pretty much the standard 3%-ish

If there is any draw back to this it would be the reverse, if the buyer is scumbag POS he can just say the magic words " I did Not authorize this transaction " and Poof the seller gets the giant chorizo.... buyer gets a free gun, and seller gets the money yanked out of their bank account

So in the end it's no different than any other payment method, a POS thief will always find a way......
How can one counterfeit those? And wouldn't that make it a Fed Crime? Never have I experienced that. Used to buy and sell PB stuff all the time. Times have changed!
Not only can USP Money Orders be counterfeited, so can Cashier's Checks and Certified Checks.
And by the time your bank catches it, the money is irretrievable.
A cashiers check is taken out of your account when they print the check. So counterfeiting a check would only work for the buyer. Not the seller.

I use cashiers checks and text or email a copy of the check to seller. Then hope they ship the goods. I only deal with people I feel are honest. I ask that a copy of the shipping receipt be sent within a short time of sending the check. It works but it's not foolproof

I use Square in my business. No problems so far but it's not fool proof either.

If both buyer and seller have square the money transaction is easy. But it does not guarantee the goods are shipped. Square transactions can be canceled by the buyer. But that can be abused to.

I know a guy that sells high end electronic equipment. He got stung for several thousand on a Square transaction. He ranted and raved and switched to PP. He got hit again a few months later.

Nothing is perfect. You just have to know who you are dealing with or accept the risk.
So glad my reputation & rating here is stellar. EVERY time I sell something & before I expect payment I text buyers with picture of P.O. receipt with tracking # so they know it's on the way. I only sell to people who have a likewise reputation here. LUCKILY (if you want to call it that) I rarely have money to buy big ticket items. So far, so good. I ONLY use PayPal.
When it comes to buying airguns I think the greatest risk is damage or defects in the gun.

If you can't hold it and look at it first you are taking some risk. Probably more than a bad transaction.

Insisting on face to face deals eliminates a lot of that risk. It also limits your market as a seller and your opportunities as a buyer.

I think most guys will accept some risk and use whatever payment method they need to. Some will undoubtedly get stung. That's just the way transactions go no matter what you are buying or selling.