When it comes to buying airguns I think the greatest risk is damage or defects in the gun.

If you can't hold it and look at it first you are taking some risk. Probably more than a bad transaction.

Insisting on face to face deals eliminates a lot of that risk. It also limits your market as a seller and your opportunities as a buyer.

I think most guys will accept some risk and use whatever payment method they need to. Some will undoubtedly get stung. That's just the way transactions go no matter what you are buying or selling.
There are only two forums that I will do business on. One for powder burners, because it is mostly local, and this one for air. I have yet to get burned, and I have been fortunate to have members take a chance with me when new with no feedback. My wife hates you all for that, as I now have six pcp’s and two compressors😁.
I do like the idea of having a newbie go first. I would have probably agreed to that when new. PayPal works fine for me but still only protects the buyer.
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Good idea, leaves more for us poor old timers. Dropped paypal (after using twice) when they closed Marty (froze money and he had too much out) of silverstreaksports a premier Career dealer. They've been bad that long.
U.S.P.S. m/o or cash (check if I know you) is safe even if not convenient for some. Money on hand or not the post office w/out fail can tell you if it is good and your bank will cash them. Naturally cash is cash or you would not see a whiscombe in the U.S. (yup you had to mail John green backs and if he was still in bussiness that would still be just fine).
Mainly Phone (!) call, & I like folks who are over 10 years in, like folks with the same email all those same years (they pop up easy on google for years gone by). Brad Troyer I've no problem sending anything to, same with Davis of ARS and just any ole airgunner who has been around 10+ w/out complaint. "I" damn sure would not use pay-pal being against airguns for 20 years & such.
Yes if it say's postal m/o only "I" want 1st crack at it!
Now any "airgun type" who does not want to or is unable to TALK airguns as in on the phone, nope, not buying or selling to one period, real airgun folks WILL talk airgun. Likely until the wife say's "is that an airgunner" at least. People who remember when the airgunclassifieds were a postal mailing list are the very best, but we are dwindling. P.O. m/o only thank you.

I used to trust everyone and I mean everyone
That changed for me on my 16 y Birthday, so i went from thinking i had 30 friends to 0, and since then +40 years ago, well i have only managed to find one friend.
I do not buy used stuff, and generally i do not sell stuff, i once sold a Amiga 500 and recently i sold my Vulcan 3 air rifle.
Okay also sold a car once but the price was get it away from my driveway, and then i also sold that house we lived in back then.
Not only can USP Money Orders be counterfeited, so can Cashier's Checks and Certified Checks.
And by the time your bank catches it, the money is irretrievable.
USPS Money orders can be verified before cashing. Big difference!! Are you calling it in before cashing and shipping the item?

For those who received counterfeit checks and MOs, it’s both mail fraud and possibly more. You might not get much support out of law enforcement but it is definitely a federal crime.

Watch for members who have no history or took a long hiatus and suddenly are back doing transactions. Can be hacked or scammer accounts.

Of course the in person phone call is invaluable. Those aren’t usually faked and you get an excuse to chat airguns for a little while.
When it comes to buying airguns I think the greatest risk is damage or defects in the gun.

If you can't hold it and look at it first you are taking some risk. Probably more than a bad transaction.

Insisting on face to face deals eliminates a lot of that risk. It also limits your market as a seller and your opportunities as a buyer.

I think most guys will accept some risk and use whatever payment method they need to. Some will undoubtedly get stung. That's just the way transactions go no matter what you are buying or selling.
There was a guy 1 hr from me that was selling some Mavericks...as soon as he found out I was going to do a F/F that was the end of our discussion of the guns.
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Why does this topic keep coming up? It was the same rants a couple weeks ago with the same conclusion - only face-to-face cash is the least likely to fail, and for some of those transactions you might want to have a discreet, armed buddy nearby as a body guard.
Why discreet?
A holster on each hip, ammo belts crisscrossed across the chest and a sawed-off shotgun in hand
Anyone seen the keys to the Humvee?
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