2 squirrel hunt

Got in woods a bit late 7:30 some Greys were already leaving the hickory trees.. but trees were still full of them seen at least 10 but only got shots at these 2, one was leaving the tree by the ground and ran and jumped up on the side of a sapling and was scratching his head when I shot him. I rushed the shot because I thought he was going to take off so I took the 1st body shot on a squirrel in more years then I can remember, hit him behind ribs and pellet came out his opposite front shoulder. He hit the ground ran in about a 30 ft circle and fell over dead.
2nd squirrel was straight above me cutting a hickory nut about 80 ft or better, nothing harder then leaning back shooting straight up freehand. All I had to shoot was his front shoulder as his head was covered with a limb, missed 1st shot I shot over him and he went right back to cutting.
The second shot got him right through shoulder and out the top of his other shoulder dead when he hit the ground. Wind was kicking up and my knee was killing me so called it a day even though trees still had squirrels cutting.
Both these squirrels were senior citizens with cajones the size a a chihuahua so gonna take some time to get them tender.

Nice hunt and post brother - the season opener in Tn. is on the 24th, this SATURDAY! Hope I see as much action as you did, and pray this cool stretch lasts through the weekend -
Good luck on the 24th, supposed to start getting hot here again by the weekend 87 on Sat.. its supposed to get down to 51 tonight so might go in morning.. Tomorrow night supposed to be 47 so will definitely be in woods.
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