• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

Where and How do we buy used mods?


"Members must be at least 18 years of age and adhere to all local, state, national or international laws. Firearms, NFA products, and/or any illegal products are prohibited. The buying, selling, trading, or gifting of standalone airgun moderators is no longer supported in the Classified section. Airgun moderators that are permanently affixed to an airgun will be allowed."

"Members must be at least 18 years of age and adhere to all local, state, national or international laws. Firearms, NFA products, and/or any illegal products are prohibited. The buying, selling, trading, or gifting of standalone airgun moderators is no longer supported in the Classified section. Airgun moderators that are permanently affixed to an airgun will be allowed."
Wonder how you sell one permanently attached 😂😂😂
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Sad everybody caving to the Radical Government Agenda.
Thats not the reason it was stopped on this forum. Members of this forum started blurring lines between airgun use and firearms use and then antagonized the mods and administration when warned about blurring said lines. At that point the administration stepped in and instituted the new rules.
Thats not the reason it was stopped on this forum. Members of this forum started blurring lines between airgun use and firearms use and then antagonized the mods and administration when warned about blurring said lines. At that point the administration stepped in and instituted the new rules.
YES WE are our own worst enemy . (and this will probably end up with 8 pages of comments when my statement said it all .)
Not to mention the members who were here primarily to promote their small side hustle of fabricating and selling their home made moderators without sponsorship/approval...which goes against the rule of clandestine selling of goods here.

Even the pellet mold guy(s) who brought their ideas and business to light here were mindful enough to not step on the administration's toes here by stubbing the toes of any interested buyers prior to receiving approval.

Not to mention the members who were here primarily to promote their small side hustle of fabricating and selling their home made moderators without sponsorship/approval...which goes against the rule of clandestine selling of goods here.

Even the pellet mold guy(s) who brought their ideas and business to light here were mindful enough to not step on the administration's toes here by stubbing the toes of any interested buyers prior to receiving approval.


I see what you did there… ;)

Moderators/LDCs are a grey area in general (unfortunately), and while I’m usually all for a more hands-off approach from the admin/mod team, I think their approach this time was probably for the best in helping keep things from drawing the .gov’s ire. It’s funny, firearm laws are relatively lax here in the States, but true suppressors are very tightly regulated. Go across the pond and it’s the opposite, firearm laws are CRAZY tight, but suppressors are viewed as hearing protectors you can buy over the counter.

Maybe some day we can see the same happen here, but until then…