Retired members here?

I'm assuming the majority of members here are retired. Or if I'm wrong what is a good guess on the percentage of retired airguners?
Just guessing by reading a lot of the posts on when people are shooting or out farting around during the
Hopefully I'll get there one day and join in on the
I retired 7 yrs ago. After working 47 years, I was Blessed with always being employed to feed my wife and 7 kids. This is the best job I ever had, except for the USCG active &reserve 17 yrs. Be patient it will come👍😉
Tick tick tick. Inside three years in theory. I have been planning a long time. The next step is to move just before I pull the plug.

Where we move will determine what new airgun I might be allowed to buy.
There is a magazine named Where to retire > in the back of this magazine it had what looks like a mileage chart like a road atlas but it is percentages of what your money will buy in other places as in if you live in Chicago and your thinking of Mobile it will tell you in Mobil your money will buy 31% more or that San Diego would be 31% less . it will also give you places to check on taxes , some places do not have income tax BUT they do have other taxes to make up for it .
There is a magazine named Where to retire > in the back of this magazine it had what looks like a mileage chart like a road atlas but it is percentages of what your money will buy in other places as in if you live in Chicago and your thinking of Mobile it will tell you in Mobil your money will buy 31% more or that San Diego would be 31% less . it will also give you places to check on taxes , some places do not have income tax BUT they do have other taxes to make up for it .
Well for me if I were to move, it would be as far away from any big city as possible.
Well for me if I were to move, it would be as far away from any big city as possible.
i think you can order a sample copy they do a lot of small town also , but the state and county taxes are amazing.
i live on a lake 10 miles from a 4 corner town and 5 miles to the nearest store (Dollar Gen )