So I have my Taipan Veteran Long that has a great barrel on it. Arguably one of my best shooting guns I've owned. Probably avg .3" groups at 50yds as it is with JTS 18gr at 920fps. I've tried slugs in many guns previously but nothing had really shown promise. Not really even close. I've tried a couple slugs in this gun but no joy. Someone talked about VK XLHP 22gr slugs so thought why not try them kind of as a last chance try. To me surprise they are amazing and have such a great HP for pesting. I only bought a 100 but I've put about 40 on paper. So far I've yet to have a "flyer" and most groups are around .4-.5" at 50yds. Haven't had a group over .5" except a 10 shot group alittle closer to .6". I tried 2 different days and both days results were similar. Really I get about 4 shots around .25" and 1 opens it up. I think it's safe to say my results are very good for a realistic expectation? I think I'm going to buy a few hundred more and use them when days are more windy. Or to get that satisfying POP on pests lol. Maybe fine tune to see if I can get them a hair tighter but don't think I can expect to get much better than my MOA accuracy at 50yds realisticly. Not talking 1 off groups but avg.