Easiest-Most Difficult PCP's to Work On?

Easiest: 2240

Hardest: Shinsung Fire 9mm. Need spanner wrenches, EXTRA long flat head or long file, and all the usual equipment. After doing it one time it’s not as daunting

When I eventually have to open my huben and sk19 they will probably be the hardest😬
Easiest and hardest all in one for me have been crosman. That is until you de burr everything. Many an oring have been sliced by the rough edges on the crosman tubes.

I have to second RJ specifically on the Umarex Gauntlet. They make no effort at all to deburr or chamfer the INSIDE of any hole they drill on the G. That means that when you take it apart your are going to scalp at least 2, 3 or 4 orings so you better have a lot of orings on hand before you start and also you better have a decent deburr/chamfer tool before you start or you are going to scalp more orings when you try to put it back together without first deburring every hole on the thing.

Not really gun specific, but the "most difficult" thing that I have run into, on a pcp, was removing Ninja Regulators from their bottles. PCP airguns, once gased-down, can be complex and tedious, and that goes away with knowledge and repetition, but dealing with a long compressed spring of an FWB124 is always there. PCP are easy to work on comparatively, and require less space to do so. If you have space and a workshop, the problems become far less.
My 1701P and Mrod are dead simple to take down and work on. The first time I did it, I was very careful. Now I can practically do it blindfolded. I've been inside the Dreamtac as far as the hammer assembly, and I am not looking forward to the day I need to reseal it. But I am prepared with o-rings and other replacement parts when that day arrives.
FX Royale is easy
BSA R10 is easy
HW100 is a bit more difficult
Crosman Challenger 2021 (mostly same as Marauder) is easy
Airmaks Katran is fairly easy
Kalibergun Cricket more difficult
Brocock Sniper pretty easy
Theoben MFR is pretty easy
Walther Lg300 more difficult

Of all of them, I can strip a R10 down and change oring faster than any pcp I've had apart, but I think that may be from the initial problems I had when I first bought it used and it leaked requiring me to completely strip and replace all the orings, and the reg. Once you understand how to get the bolt out, it's one of the easiest guns to work on and can be easily pressurized before completely reassembling it.
No matter the gun, it gets easier if you have tutorials, like on youtube, and how well they are made, than looking on a drawing.

Of the guns I own, (some FX's, a taipan, and an agt vulcan 2) the vulcan 2 is probably the easiest one. The main thing being it has side covers, and when you remove them, you can see inside the action and dryfire the gun, watching how all works. The airtube, valve, and valvepin, is all one main part. When you remove the airtube, there is no O-ring sealing it against the transfer port. There is actually no sealing O-rings at all, left on the gun when airtube is removed (if not counting the one inside the barrel, for the pellet probe).
Not even between barrel, and action,
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Logun Sweet 16(S16) is far and away the poorest piece engineering and difficulty I've run into. Huben is reputed to be difficult, but I've no direct experience with it.

On the other end of the scale, the Steyr Lg100 is so simple and easy, I'm curious how they justify the cost.

huben is cake once you get to take it apart at least once. the youtube disassembly and reassembly is thorough enough to follow step by step as well
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AGT and Skout guns are pretty straight forward. I didn’t think the fx were terribly bad until I had to dig into the little amp regulator. Some are just probably more skilled than I with hand eye coordination. I had a hell of a time. I even had a lighted magnifier. I struggled greatly getting that stupid little oring back into the bottom of the reg. I was about crazy. Started messing with the oring in the bottom of the threaded hole. Could hardly even see the damn thing. lol. Thought to myself it’s under warranty so why ?? I sent it off…when it comes back it’s on the classifieds and I will be fx free based solely on that PIA regulator. Shame as they are great shooting guns but ain’t dealing with that. Pretty much no other manufacturer that I have dealt with anyway have buried orings you need to be a magician to take out.