JSB 15.89 pellet issues

Been using JSB 15.89gr
Ordered 3 tins they all come with damaged skirts
Maybe a bad run?
Anyone else have this issue?


Could you share the link? I know it's from Amazon but with your link it'll send me directly to the seller.

There have been sellers that just repackage damaged pellets as if they're new.
Excellent idea @JaceSpace1369

My conspiratorial mind came up with perhaps a different buyer bought them from Amazon and returned the tins filled with is culls & resealed
Then Amazon resold them to the OP
i don't know if it was a bad run as they all seem to have the same jacket shape some are beyond .... worn die?
1st time this happened that's why i asked if anyone else got some like these
1st time from amazon, back to Utah and pyramid as they pack them very well.
I hope you are still in the return window.
They have got to go back
Get your money refunded & let Amazon deal with how it happened
Good luck with the return
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