Pyramid dropped the ball...

That would be the 1st amendment free speech, the 2nd amendment is the right to keep and bear arms. But without the 2nd, the 1st would probably go away, as would the others.
These amendments simply “recognize” our God given or Natural right to free speech and self defense. If the Constitution was nullified? Our rights still remain intact…🙏
Pretty bad when my postal worker says don't pay for faster shipping since it is a waste of money. She says it will get there when it gets there.
Found this out multiple times from multiple shippers. All done now. Just standard shipping now. No matter how bad I want something.
OK Then check this out ,I called Nikon located in New York City,I told the gentleman I wanted some information on their products,I got boo goo Nikon catalogs the very next day and I live by San Francisco,Special delivery wow.
ok ok I ordered a bunch of custom shirts from a supplier in China,I got them all in 5Days!!! DHL all the way. I have received over 2000 items from ebay and there is about a ten-day wait for the majority of them..... think how long a pregnant lady has to wait ,yea you bitch about that and you don't even carry the load! Rebel Rouser,think that was Dwayne Eddy RIP immediate gratification can spoil a good thing, you know what I talken bout?
I agree they should configure their systems to NOT notify you when the label has been created, and to wait for the first physical scan. Now the question is, which generates more customer service headache - people calling to ask why they haven't been notified about tracking number while they wait for their package to be picked up and scanned by a driver, or people calling to complain their box isn't moving because were given the tracking number too early? 😂

This seems pretty typical of them and others to me. It is the general experience with them and others.

For me, I like the shipping noticed generated messages. I much prefer knowing than not. I can ignore too much, I can't create missing information.
So Tuesday I placed My Order at MidDay. The Guy on the phone said I would receive it today. So Yesterday late afternoon, I had still not gotten a Shipping notice. The Gal wrote back and said I should get a delivery notice this morning, Nope! I got a Notice saying "Your Order has been shipped"! So I checked the Tracking. UPS doesn't even have the package yet. So despite ordering early before the weekend, I may not get it until Tuesday with Monday being a Holiday. It is so Disappointing to see such non-reliable service.
Rant over.
I don't know, in this day of immediate gratification, sometimes me thinks, we expect everything yesterday. Patience is the vultures virtue and dinner is the reward.
The entitlement over the first world problems the OP is facing in this thread is unbearable. It'll ship when it ships and you'll get it when you get it. Even Amazon Prime can't keep up with Amazon Prime delivery promises any more. What are you gonna do - companies get busy, shipping has delays, it's life..... pull up your big boy pants and deal....
"Perfection is a nice goal but it's a terrible standard"
- me

When I was younger, I would get irritated at people who did not do the right thing. I finally learned to expect them to do the wrong thing and now I'm much happier when they do the right thing. It's all about expectations . This is and especially important principle for defensive driving that I try to spread to young people.

And I have been that guy, working in an organization with as few people as possible doing the work, spread as thin as butter over too much toast, feeling forlorn and despondent every day, trudging through, but always wanting to do the job right, to satisfy myself, even if it took longer. Some jobs just took longer and that's the way it was. I always hated it when I busted my butt to do my part, then someone else slacked off and the customer is unhappy because the job depends on everyone doing their part, but the blame gets shared by all in the eyes of the customer.
