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Compressors FREE - Air Venturi Dry Air Intake Filter For Air Venturi 4500 psi Compressor

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Today I am GIVING AWAY FOR FREE my used Air Venturi Dry Air Intake Filter For Air Venturi 4500 psi Compressor for $0.00! However YOU MUST PAY $20.00 TOWARDS SHIPPING COSTS! I will accept the $20.00 payment for shipping via PayPal Friends & Family, or you pay the overage if you choose to send the funds via PayPal “Goods and Services.”
This filter removes the humidity & moisture from the air going into your Air Venturi or other air compressor. It is filled with the Dry & Dry Blue Indicating Silica Gel Beads which are reusable...when they turn bright pink you simply put them on a ceramic plate in the oven at 200 degrees for a half hour or the microwave on high for ten minutes. If you have an Air Venturi Krypton Air Compressor you need this filter...but since no one is interested in buying it I decided to just give it away for free. (except shipping cost).
As you can see from the photos below it is in like new pristine condition.
All the best, Chuck Peffley




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