We Need an AGN Hall of Fame

I was thinking that an AGN Hall of Fame would be entertaining for members who have come and gone and whose presence left an indelible mark on this community. Some folks have come and gone, but presented some of the most zany and outrageous content on these forums. A lot of the time their names have been erased or deleted and their posts now read “Guest” or “Deleted…” One of the most memorable guys I’ve seen the past couple of years was CheckUrSix. I may have him mixed up with another member, but he’s posted some funny stuff too. The guy I have in mind came into the forums calling out a known competition benchrest shooter and some of the banter that ensued was absolutely hilarious!! Especially when the guy posted videos of his skills shooting into the mud instead of targets.

On occasion I see something that reminds me of members like this. Sometimes the forums can be entertaining. I don’t mean this to be malicious, just a little ribbing. Who do you remember similarly?
So this thread came up in a search for something else. This is a hilarious thread for the books. The OP seemed sort of off in the head and made for some entertaining dialogue across the forums. I hadn’t thought about this thread in quite a while.
😂 Remember this one @Centercut?
Read post #1 and post #41.

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So this thread came up in a search for something else. This is a hilarious thread for the books. The OP seemed sort of off in the head and made for some entertaining dialogue across the forums. I hadn’t thought about this thread in quite a while.
😂 Remember this one @Centercut?
Read post #1 and post #41.

1shot was actually onto something from the shooting side of things. It appeared to me that he understood something that can be important when sending slugs. But his personality and his attacks overshadowed everything else. In my time here, he was one of three true nuts. He’s a hall of famer for sure. When I see a new or newer guy here get all bent out of shape over something light hearted now, I always wonder how they would handle one of these jokers from the past.
Ok another post for the Hall. I was looking up some info on a regulator and came across this feedback post. The conclusion in final convo in the screenshot is hilarious.

Ok another post for the Hall. I was looking up some info on a regulator and came across this feedback post. The conclusion in final convo in the screenshot is hilarious.

Juliana65 is what happens when you start taking yourself too seriously over pellet guns. That certainly was entertaining.
@Vetmx Did you tap the screenshot photo and read the file name? Lol

Well, it seems like someone else besides Dave (on this thread) is collecting souvenirs — to laugh at some particular samples of our species (or to weep...).

This is a rare case where both reactions are appropriate.

I have a few posts in Spanish from a local WhatsApp chat group for airgunners — that would be appropriate for this thread if it wasn't for the language barrier.... 😁

1shot was actually onto something from the shooting side of things. It appeared to me that he understood something that can be important when sending slugs. But his personality and his attacks overshadowed everything else. In my time here, he was one of three true nuts. He’s a hall of famer for sure. When I see a new or newer guy here get all bent out of shape over something light hearted now, I always wonder how they would handle one of these jokers from the past.
As crazy as that guy was I actually wish he had never been banned,.......he was great entertainment indeed.
Who jumped on the @Odoyle deals? I spent a some money because of that guy. Got some good stuff too. I still have an Alpha 6. Still like that glass. But what about the time he came up with the Walmart Bausch and Lomb spotting scope deal? I jumped on it and canceled that order so quickly I don’t think that the payment had time to process.

I got 2 of the Alpha 6 scopes, $199.00 each, pretty good glass and still have them mounted on the JTS MAX.
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Every now and then I come across exceptionally well put together threads that have great potential to teach us things some of us probably wouldn't even think about. They are even more impressive when they are well organized, articulated and presented cogently, and contain quality photos. Lately I've been seeing some high-quality threads from @Stubbers and I'd like to post some of those threads here. They are exceptional to me, although I am unqualified to validate his work because I have no context for some of it. Anyhow here are a few outstanding AGN Hall of Fame worthy threads by him

I feel these who got the biggest ( whatever ) listings is quite useless.
Even with who is the most useful or who is the most knowledgable, if you slap such a sticker on someone, it might give them things they are not asking for.

It is almost as silly as the participation medals.

Yesterday i taught my M8 to not be such a chicken with PCP, fear of meddling with his pressurised snowpeak is what kept him from looking into what is the matter with it, so its just been lying there for several months.

So i told him, well there dont seem to be a bleed screw, so the next popular option is to loosen the gauge to get pressure off it.
And so i did, only to find out the way it is made that was not even needed, and for sure not with the problem it had ( a loose guide bolt on the cocking bolt so it could only go back and forth, but not slide down in the forward locking position )

No talking or stuff like that it was at the most a 5 minute fix.

I do urge caution around high pressure things, hence why i did bleed the snowpeak rifle.
And if you are not at all mechanical inclined, well dont bother / get professional help, CUZ i vivid remember all the things i broken as a child taking them apart.
@beerthief Yet you continue to come back to this thread. It makes no sense to me at this point Stan. This thread is obviously not for you by your own admission.
you are correct ,but i look at all threads that are new postings , sometimes i comment other times i do not .