N/A Whats your most consistently accurate airgun?

Open letter to Mr. Dairyboy.
Dear Mr. Dairyboy; I would submit the Veteran I got from you, years ago, is my favorite not just from an accuracy and reliability standpoint..but having received it from a great AGN member (yourself) gives it just something a little bit special! I would be hard pressed to name my most consistently accurate airguns...any given one on any given day you know. BUT from a nonbenched sitting in a chair position it's no contest even against guns like my Mini Carbine or long guns, I can shoot "MY" Veteran nearly as well as benched...I've had the privilege of counciling three other AGN members to get Veterans...all gave rave reviews. Your with me for every shot I take with my Veteran (which is a lot!)...SINCERELY....RM100GUY.
Tough call for me... my Vet was heavily modified previous to my ownership and I've not got it fully corrected yet but still a nice rifle...
I have a lot of contenders so in no particular order... USFT 177, EVOL 177, DS CRX ST, Theoben Rapid 17, Steyr LG100, DS Delta Wolf 20, DS RW 177 and 22, Sam Yang Golden Saver 7000 in 20, and JKHahn Majesty in 22... probably others not coming to mind...
I believe all are capable of 200 on the 300 yd challenge. Notice that there are no 25s or 30s 😮
They all remind me of how a rifle should shoot when I pick them up...
2 are particularly impressive on the number of times I've shot a 1 pellet hole size 5 shot group at 30 yds... the EVOL 177 and LG 100... SO pleasant to shoot and predictable...
Honorable mentions are the Wolverine R in 177, AA ProTarget, Sharp Ace Target, FX Tarantula in 22...
300 yards?:eek: Ha, yeah I know the 0 key got hit one more time than you meant to. I did that on a post a while back too.

Have you by chance worked on any of them? :pJust kidding because I know each one has had the touch of the Arz master! But if I were to guess probably half?? of them were pretty solid to begin with, then tuned to near perfection.

For me my old USFT and my Thomas FT have been the most consistent as far as not having POI shifts but the Thomas FT has been a more precise gun.

My Thomas HPX is also very precise as long as the screws are tight.;) Darn screws. A month ago with the 42gr slugs I shot around 10 groups of 5 at 55Y and most were .3" or so. Then the next week I hit the 1" spinner at 100Y nine times in a row. I got kinda lucky because it was fairly windy. I haven't been able to hit that spinner as many times in a row with my Anschutz 22rf. So glad the HPX is stellar again.

Lastly my 99 fpe Vulcan 3 has been a great gun using Altaros 60gr slugs. On Tuesday at John's place hitting the 300 yard .75% sized Bobcat steel was boring. Once I saw where to correct for wind, which was 1.5 mil right, I hit it 8 times in a row before the gun was going to go off reg, then put the rifle away. The new guy that was there watching was shaking his head in amazement, lol.
Definitely a Taipan Vet I have a .22 std and a .177 std both first shot accurate and it doesn't matter at what level of hammer spring adjustment. I am way off the knee with both right now setup for back yard pesting JTS 21.53 at 599fps , SD 1.3 , V 1.8 , ES 3 , ft.lbs 17.1 zero poi shift no matter how long it sits. The .177 with AEA 10.3 at 757 fps , SD 2.6 , V 6.7 , ES 6 , ft.lbs 13.2 same. If I'm gonna cold shot a critter it gonna be with a Vet.
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My Huntsman Revere in 22. 1 MOA all day without even trying, and on the original factory tune. When I put just a tiny bit of effort into it she'll go sub-MOA without a complaint. Group pic is at 50 yds. 0.35" CTC. Only using a cheap bag with a folded towel as a butt rest, which is what I mean by minimal effort. It's almost boring since the pellets just go exactly where you tell them to. Where's the fun in that?? :LOL:

It's also only the 2nd airgun I've ever owned where I kept the factory tune without touching it since it was perfect and I didn't want to just end up screwing that up. The other was an OG Cricket in 25.


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My most consistently-accurate airgun (of many hundreds I've owned) is the latest evolution of my original Mac-1 QB77 Deluxe that cost $159 brand-new thirty years ago; now known (by me) as The Most Improbable Slug Shooter On Earth. And although all that remains of the original QB77 Deluxe is the BARREL and bolt-action, the custom-stocked QB/Gauntlet hybrid consistently averages less than 1.20" five-shot groups at 100 yards with 16 and 20 grain H&N slugs at 28-30 foot pounds.

Although I've had a (very) few air rifles that once or twice averaged better groups, none did so with such unerring REGULARITY as QB/G. A brief history-

I had the stock (above) custom built to my design by an old gunsmith in Fort Worth in the late 1970s for a Crosman 160. The QBs being a(typical) Chinese rip-off of the Crosman 160, some thirty years later the stock found its roundabout way to the QB77; that (by then) had captured a Field Target National Champion title in a different, AR2078 stock-

AR Nats trophy.JPG

Yes, the plaque says Second Place, but is a National Champion title. The crowned "champion" cheated, and is now banned from AAFTA competition for cheating.

Since the National Champion win, the 1970s custom stock went on the QB; whereupon it won its first AAFTA Field Target match against multiple AAFTA National and State Champions.

QB certificate.jpg

Last Christmas a buddy gifted me an Umarex Gauntlet; the Gauntlet being another, this time Chinese/American conspiracy rip-off of the Crosman 160. The Gauntlet guts and a Ninja Flex reg allowed a long-sought power boost way beyond the 20 foot pounds I'd been seeking for decades.

Having never achieved decent accuracy with any slug in any airgun, for some inexplicable reason I decided to make a last-ditch effort to do so by trying slugs in QB/G. To my amazement she achieved what none others could- aforementioned CONSISTENT five-shot group-size averages under 1.20" center-to-center... consistent as clockwork. :oops: Many groups go under an inch, some under 3/4"; none over 1.4".

What? I said a brief history? :sneaky:

I lied. But only about that. Otherwise the truth is fantastic enough for our purposes.

Besides, you couldn't make this stuff up. And I WOULDN'T make this stuff up.

I looked for this target and did not find it. But I once took all my airguns I wanted to use hunting and shot them one time at a target first thing in the morning for about a week. I wanted to be sure that I knew each would place that critical first shot at the point of aim. Simple inexpensive way to be sure. I just shoot 30 yard challenge targets without warmup these days. But if you want to hunt/pest with an airgun, I think you should do a little target work to be sure you know it will place the first shot where you aim. I think that it's more of a check on the tune than the gun. I have guns that would not place the first shot correctly with one tune but do it consistently with a different tune.
I guess I got blessed… all mine with the exception of one that I haven’t been able to spend much time wth(Evanix sniper 9mm) have great barrels… a tj 308 on my cothran, lothar walther on the jkhan .22, Evanix rainstorm.30( the got that barrel perfect ) and a green mountain barrel on my modded marauder. I have three ace precision guns that the barrel is inside the air tube … no flex or vibration tuning required .. all stupid accurate . The shooter .. well he varies with the day🤠
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Dillon! That is one SPECIAL Vet Long....hang onto that one, what an excellent shooting machine plus the guy pulling the trigger! Mine is still my RAW HMx .22, first sighter shot this morning, 18gr FX @ 970fps....needless to say I QUIT right after, no more to mess up a good thing....😂


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RTI prophet 2 performance w/ .22 RPB barrel.. hole in hole with 25.4 JSBs.

However, I prefer to use 23grn H&N slugs for their long range performance and energy retention abilities.. these don’t group as good as the pellets but are still MOA capable rounds at 955fps in my prophet!
This is an interesting one. I have two guns now that ~really~ like the 23g H&N's - one of them being my Taipan Long. I'm also a big fan of the RTI's (I have three of 'em - one in .177, .22, and ,25) All are older P1 performance's and the .22 / .25 both have the newer RPB barrels in them. What caught my attn here is the speed with the 23g H&N's - 955. Cool . . . . I might have to try that sometime just for kicks with mine. The Taipan and the 500mm V3 both shoot them at 935. Any slower - no go. Any faster - no go. 935 is the magic number with both of those guns. I may have to try flingin' 'em a little hotter with the RTI just to see . . . ;-) ( its been shooting the slightly heavier 25g H&N's @around 970 for the past year or two quite accurately )
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There has been mentioned that you can’t evaluate something unless it’s a specific distance, 50, 100, 200, whatever. I categorically disagree. And not because other factors come into play, which is a good argument.

My stance is the performance of one of my rifles is most accurately measured by how it performs at the distance I plan on using it. Nothing else really matters to me.
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