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Projectiles ARG Slug Variety Pack .22cal .25cal and .30cal

Classified Status

N2 Shooter

Oct 14, 2018
Youngstown,OH, United States
Feedback: 22 / 0 / 0
These slugs were sent to me for evaluation from ARG, so I am passing them on to someone else to enjoy! These slugs have a unique design unlike any other slug I've previously seen! These slugs are pretty hefty, and they need a powerful gun to sling these at desired velocities.

Included is the following:

  • .22cal 29.3gr
  • .22cal 24.7gr
  • .25cal 24.7gr
  • .25cal 29.3gr
  • (2) .30cal 67.9gr
  • .30cal 61.7gr



These are free with $10 USPS shipping CONUS.