FX I hate the fx impact.

I purchased the fx impact mk2 3-4 years ago. It never leaked. But now it's creating these slow leaks you can't hear it. I've been chasing after this leak for over a month now and so tired of it. It's like when I find one leak and fix it, it starts to leak from somewhere else. I find that leak and fix it and then another leak from else where. Like wtf. It's like chasing a f ing mouse. Getting really annoying chasing these leaks. I just want it to hold air and not wake up the next day to see it went down 30-50 bars. I will show pic where I find all these stupid leaks. Smh. Still trying to fix these stupid issues, right now from what I can tell is it's leaking from the front bottle adaptor. Will try to fix that and I swear it will leak from somewhere else. Like damn






I purchased the fx impact mk2 3-4 years ago. It never leaked. But now it's creating these slow leaks you can't hear it. I've been chasing after this leak for over a month now and so tired of it. It's like when I find one leak and fix it, it starts to leak from somewhere else. I find that leak and fix it and then another leak from else where. Like wtf. It's like chasing a f ing mouse. Getting really annoying chasing these leaks. I just want it to hold air and not wake up the next day to see it went down 30-50 bars. I will show pic where I find all these stupid leaks. Smh. Still trying to fix these stupid issues, right now from what I can tell is it's leaking from the front bottle adaptor. Will try to fix that and I swear it will leak from somewhere else. Like damn

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If it's really been 3-4 years then you definitely need to replace majority of the seals in your gun especially if you have never lubricated them. I would suggest buying an o-ring kit for the impact or sending it out to get resealed if it's too much of a hassle.
Because you’re supposed to service the entire gun at least every couple years , not just fix one leak. All seals do not last a lifetime as you’re implying.
Depends on gun. I own 1st gen benjamin marauder and only have to replace 1 o ring under the gauge port. All o rings are stock and that gun was purchased in 2010 and no leaks. Way older than the impact. The thing with the impact is it used a lot of small o rings. With the marauder, it used larger o rings and not that many. I never had to chase leaks on other pcp guns.
Защото трябва да обслужвате целия пистолет поне на всеки две години, а не само да коригирате един теч. Всички печати не издържат цял живот, както намекваш.
Къде го пише това нещо за обслужване цялостно на 2 години ???
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Most are simple fixes with the correct O-ring. The only one that is a little tougher is the two related to the regulator, the second and third photo. Do a YouTube search and you can find out how to remedy these. Might be a good time to try a Huma in this instance. There is a internal O-ring in the action that seals the regulator that can be a PITA to remove and replace. Again, check out YouTube and Ernest Rowe for some great videos.
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"I purchased the fx impact mk2 3-4 years ago. It never leaked. But now it's creating these slow leaks you can't hear it. I've been chasing after this leak for over a month now and so tired of it. It's like when I find one leak and fix it, it starts to leak from somewhere else."
"Because you’re supposed to service the entire gun at least every couple years , not just fix one leak."

Ya, ya, ya. I feel your pain. My MKII has been doing the same despite having all O-rings, bonded rings and regulator replaced. No, I'm not about to give up on this gun just yet, but it is very frustrating and I can relate to others having difficulty getting a gun to hold air. Just received a new valve assembly and will go through the process again later this week. Oh joy to us. Ha!
A gun that has seven orings has seven places it can leak from. You bought a gun that set a world record for the most orings. What did you expect. When you disassemble a gun with seven orings you have seven opportunities to shave one when you reassemble the gun. You have around 50 opportunities to shave one and have a new leak. It’s just part of the ownership experience.
While I agree that o-rings will eventually fail, and that resealing everything at the same time is a good idea, I think that a well engineered and made gun should last a lot longer on a quality set of seals than just a few years - especially if it is not regulated.

I have an unregulated Daystate Air Ranger that is still on most of its original factory seals from 2011 and it works flawlessly. The only ones that were replaced were the gauge and bottle o-rings about 4 years ago when I switched from the aluminum bottle to a CF one (since I vented it from the gauge I replaced that one too when reassembling). I have a full set waiting for an eventual re-seal when it leaks at some point, but they just keep sitting in the parts box. Leaks may be inevitable, but they don't have to be frequent - and especially not constant . . .

I also have a few Marauders modded to be regulated that have been untouched for about 4 years that are doing great. At some point the regs will need service and all the seals will be replaced then, but until then they just hold air and shoot fine.
While I agree that o-rings will eventually fail, and that resealing everything at the same time is a good idea, I think that a well engineered and made gun should last a lot longer on a quality set of seals than just a few years - especially if it is not regulated.
Time is only one factor in how long anything lasts.