Tell me you've never wanted to do this


Mar 27, 2021
SC, United States
We are getting cooler temperatures for the first time in months but I'm not sure it was that because it happened later this morning. But the smoke alarm that always seems to need something started chirping. I tried a new battery but that did not fix it. It was not old, not sure what the issue is. But I just ordered a new one from Amazon (different brand) and decided to have a little fun with the useless one. I shot it 8 or 9 times with my P35-177 spitting out H&N Baracuda FTs at about 880 fps. The smoke detector was 35 yards from my gun. The first shot knocked the detector over but did not go through. By after 8 I had holes in the back too. Next I pulled out my Caiman X in 22 which is shooting H&N Baracuda 18s at a little over 900 fps. That put some bigger holes through it and busted off some parts. My P35-25 has a slow leak (takes days to show up on the gauge and weeks to drain the air) so it was going to get a couple new O-rings and needed to be drained. I only shot the dectector 3 times with the 25, it was shooting JSB Heavies at about 770 fps (down from 800 due to the cool weather). The first two shots just clipped the edge of the detector. I was aiming at that corner because I could see the speaker in there but either the scope is off a bit or there was wind drift (it's windy today). But I got a good smack on it with the third shot. I did not destroy the speaker but I put a pretty good hurt on it. Satisfying. The last two pictures were at the end. The second one is after the 22 caliber hits and the first is what I started with.

smoke alarm 1.jpg

smoke alarm 2.jpg

smoke alarm 3.jpg

smoke alarm 4.jpg
I've never been that mad at a smoke detector...

But picture having a computer keyboard where, for example, the 'e' key just suddenly stops working regularly. You know, one of the big, old Dell mechanical ones.

And you nd up with sntncs looking a lot lik this and you gt prtty pissd off.

I thought I had a photo of the carnage after shooting that keyboard, but I guess that we were just having too much fun shooting it and never took any photos.

But take my word for it - never throw away an old dysfunctional keyboard again without first 'fixing' it with your airgun!
That is how i use to deal with games that disappointed me, back in the games on disks days, mind you a 12 gauge was used back in those days.
We have also used old spinning type hard drives as clay pigeons, but of course they dident suffer much from bird shot, but a slug,,,,, finished them off real good.
Explosives,,,, as in powder / fire crackers, nothing cooked up like that so at ease in that Maryland bunker.
Well we have blown up a few PCs too in the day, i snapped a damn cool pic of one of them going up in smoke, and the combined sides + top panel was suspended splayed out in the air 12 -14 feet or so over the explosion and looking like a bird.

Sadly that picture only exist on some obscure loose drive at my friends place, and that is not even sure, we have over time also lost a lot of documentation over the years,,,, hence the hatred towards hard drives.

Dont get mad,,,,,, get even. that have never been more true than with hardware.

My old phone, i loaded up with a picture of a certain PM, and then shot it,,,,,, and that was with a air rifle, but i am not supposed to share that, CUZ there actually is a law here that say i MUST respect that person.
after it burned out it was collected, and of course disposed off properly as electronic waste.

Some years ago i also stole my voting ballot, put a little smily sticker on it for every name on it, and proceed to shoot those at 50 M, CUZ that is sadly the best use of a ballot here if you ask me.
Got a picture of that, but can not share, CUZ i think that is a crime to shoot my own personal paper.
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As much fun as "Killin Electronics" and other stuff is, the cleanup later keeps Me shooting Paper. lol Have Fun!
Hear you about cleaning up the mess!

When I get the urge to smash some reactive targets I use Honeycomb cereal (or Cherrios, Froot Loops, crackers) hung on a string to blow around in the breeze.

These organic targets explode nicely when hit and what doesn't get eaten by the critters compostes quickly.

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Hear you about cleaning up the mess!

When I get the urge to smash some reactive targets I use Honeycomb cereal (or Cherrios, Froot Loops, crackers) hung on a string to blow around in the breeze.

These organic targets explode nicely when hit and what doesn't get eaten by the critters compostes quickly.

Great Idea! For My shooting abilities, I hang a Loaf of French Bread! lol
I've had one smoke alarm removed for at least 5 years now, having them all over the house is fine, but having them all networked together sucks. The one I removed took me forever to find which one was causing the problem. All alarms chirp every couple minutes or so when networked if any one has an error, and they don't chirp together at the same time, whether low battery or failed component. The one I have removed "works" standalone with a battery in it, goes off with smoke and stops when smoke clears. But some unknown thing is wrong with it's networking and it will make all alarms chirp. I was informed by tech support for the manufacturer that my model is not compatible with their current models, so I can't buy one and replace it, I'd have to replace all, and new bases since the base in the ceiling won't accept their new models, and cut the connectors off the wiring in the attic and replace with new connectors. Screw that. I strongly believe that is all by design to make more money, make them obsolete and new stuff not backwards compatible.
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