N/A Think I might be done...

I’m still early on so I’m not quite there yet, but I think I’m close. There are a few guns I’m still chasing, but they’re fairly few and far between simply because I want to reach my “happy place” ASAP and then spend whatever money I have left stacking pellets deep. I’ve lived through several PB ammo/reloading supply shortages and they suck. I’ve stacked some ammo, powder, and projectiles away for a rainy day, but honestly see myself primarily shooting airguns going forward with PBs being a “special occasion” kind of thing, other than rimfire stuff.

But I 100% understand the feeling of wanting to minimize and enjoy what you have. The “hunt” for the next great thing is a lot of fun, but it can also be tiring and stressful. I find myself wanting to enjoy what I have more than I want to acquire new (with a few noted exceptions lol).
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I'm with you Dillon. I have a couple big bores now and my 25s and 22s. They do anything I'll ever need and since getting the revere, I don't need anything higher end. All the low end stuff feels too cheap and I'm just over them. I may still tinker and upgrade, but I'm liking not dumping money on things that can't scratch and itch that's already been thoroughly rubbed raw.
Another thing to realize, is a lot of the 'influencers' promoting some of these brands are sponsored.

The guys feeding you the constant rinse and repeat hype are getting their gear, upgrades, and even repairs done for FREE. Then turning around and assisting in marketing these brands to you.

Heck even Skout is guilty of providing quite a bit of free things to specific members/shooting clubs here, and those members will proudly gloat here how awesome it is...but really, is Skout doing this for every, single, customer? If so, I deeply apologize, but if not, its...just a secret/silent sponsorship...no intention to bash em, it's just...business eh?

I'm basically happy with what I have.
No new toys for me. Well almost. 😉

To be honest I haven't even fully tested and pushed what I already have. No power or calibre limits but .177 has always been my passion. Personal choice, nothing more.

I'm still a sucker for calibre change. Especially on modular rifles, RTI especially.

Today I ordered a 650 mm long Alfa precision barrel in .177 plus another in .25 for the guy doing the turning, tuning etc.

Decent price delivered but probably my last major expenditure.

I'm determined to get decent slugger in .177. 100 m plus.
If this fails I'm totally packing up. 😉
I'm basically happy with what I have.
No new toys for me. Well almost. 😉

To be honest I haven't even fully tested and pushed what I already have. No power or calibre limits but .177 has always been my passion. Personal choice, nothing more.

I'm still a sucker for calibre change. Especially on modular rifles, RTI especially.

Today I ordered a 650 mm long Alfa precision barrel in .177 plus another in .25 for the guy doing the turning, tuning etc.

Decent price delivered but probably my last major expenditure.

I'm determined to get decent slugger in .177. 100 m plus.
If this fails I'm totally packing up. 😉

I hear you on having a modular airgun. Heck my marauder from factory was not, but now I have modified it to accept caliber changes much like any other. I modded it to accept quarter turn valve to adjust port diameter for various FPE levels. I modified it to accept various valve configurations, different moderators opposed to the stock baffle stack. Modified it to quickly accept different ssg carriers (short spring guide) which varies the spring rating for different valve dwell/lift profiles. It wasn't difficult to achieve said mods, and I didn't need a new model/brand either. I have .177, .22, and .25 barrels all set and ready for my 2 marauders, which are currently configured in .177 and .22, because its more practical at my home to shoot at lower energy, and cost of ammo doesn't hurt either.

I could toss in an fx liner in my marauder if I wanted, but frankly I see no need as my current barrels stack pellets amazingly well, would only be chasing a dragon that need not chased.

Best of luck finding your .177 slugger, I still need to test my .177 with jsb knock outs at further ranges than my home, but at home, it stacks them incredibly well.

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I dunno, I think pcp's go in a cycle, at least for me. I chase the best gun for a particular reason/use, and then I also run onto the "niche" gun, that I just have to have. That's the first stage.
Then, I tune, and find shortcomings and decide whether to move it or mod it. The process goes on for a while, that is the second stage.
Then you get to the point that you have what I would call, the "cream" of the crop of airguns, and the only need you have is something that you think scratches an itch, which also means starting all over with your journey, stage 3.
Stage 4 is where the op seems to be at, and I think I'm close. You now refine your shooting, make it more interesting through different targets and challenges, etc. But this is the point where there's not much new under the sun. I have 8 pcp rifles, down from a high of 11, and yes, I'm thinking of moving the duplicates, but for now, it's shooting that holds my interest. Some tuning for different uses, and minor fittling, but the hunt for the next fun is done for the most part. Funny thing is, I JUST gave up on finding a Veteran Long in the last couple of weeks, as my last big hunt.
Dillon, you seem to always gravitate back to T Vets and for good reasons, exceptionally well made, accurate as anything out there, fantastic triggers and great ergos, no need to look any further! My RAW has most of those attributes save size (full sized) and weight, but, I can definitely live with that. Taipans have been on my want list as long as my RAW (shoots pellets and slugs with the same accuracy) but I only shoot one daily so my needs are met like you! Now a Notos may supplant my Prod as a dedicated ratter someday....😂👍
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I hear you on having a modular airgun. Heck my marauder from factory was not, but now I have modified it to accept caliber changes much like any other. I modded it to accept quarter turn valve to adjust port diameter for various FPE levels. I modified it to accept various valve configurations, different moderators opposed to the stock baffle stack. Modified it to quickly accept different ssg carriers (short spring guide) which varies the spring rating for different valve dwell/lift profiles. It wasn't difficult to achieve said mods, and I didn't need a new model/brand either. I have .177, .22, and .25 barrels all set and ready for my 2 marauders, which are currently configured in .177 and .22, because its more practical at my home to shoot at lower energy, and cost of ammo doesn't hurt either.

I could toss in an fx liner in my marauder if I wanted, but frankly I see no need as my current barrels stack pellets amazingly well, would only be chasing a dragon that need not chased.

Best of luck finding your .177 slugger, I still need to test my .177 with jsb knock outs at further ranges than my home, but at home, it stacks them incredibly well.

In .177 I get satisfactory results with slugs. Beyond 90 meters it's worse than shooting pellets.
Got a decent slug shooter in .22 and .25. like the stubborn idiot I am, still want to push .177. personal choice.
That's part of the hobby, 😁.
I'm no technical guru, more scratch my head then my butt approach.
For the price of a Alfa barrel and a good bit of.help.from a Bulgarian member of the forum, I'm happy to try, without the huge cost of a new PCP.

Waiting for delivery is a killer 😉
Chasing the greatest gun for you with your wallet is one thing. I have always had the additional curse, even with powder burners. I look at base platforms that hopefully give me the foundation I think I need. Then it’s to the machine shop to get it to do what I want it to do. Some guys buy a $2k gun then bolt on another $1k of doo-dads. On top of that I start buying barrels and machining parts. I burned myself out with powder burners and I think I finally have with airguns.

My airguns are in two groups. My heavy hitters with a bunch of custom stuff and my other guns that just do what they do perfectly. I won’t ask any more of them in order to not piss them off. If they don’t like slugs, fine. If they do like a slug but it’s too slow, fine also, it will just shoot pellets. Those guns have kept me sane while I just kept pressing forward with the others. I always had a list in my notes of barrels to try with the heavy hitters. Then a list of tolerances, slugs and potential tunes to test them at.

Just to let you know how deep I sunk into the quest for knowledge. I bought a bunch of Superior liners in two calibers one length longer than my barrel housings. Standard and heavy. Then I chopped the chokes off and crowned them. Then went on testing sprees. Couldn’t even bare to look at the test gun for a month afterwards because I was so sick of shooting it. It was then I realized I was flying over the cuckoo’s nest and needed a guy with a “barn gun” to put me down.

The one thing I don’t regret is I learned a lot. I finally figured some things out then put it to use on what’s in my stable now.
I am pretty much done. I want a 177 for pesting/hunting and maybe shoot some unlimited field target occasionally and that's it. I just recently got a taipan vet 1 in 22 with both standard and long barrels and it shoots 18.1s amazingly and is topped with my Pard nightstalker for coons here at night and for squirrel hunting. I just got a 30cal epoch thinking I wanted to try my hand at 100yd benchrest but maybe not now. I just had my impact Mk2 in 25 compact rebuilt and upgraded to certain parts by a guy on this forum who did a wonderful job. It is shooting lights out with 34mk2s and it's probably my favorite to shoot right now. Just need the 177 and I'll be good. I went down the rabbit hole with powder burners and I don't know how much money I've spent on that and really don't want to know. I don't wanna get that way with this sport which I already have some because I bought and sold several nice guns. I need to learn to just be content and just go shoot.
I think I get were you at.. Youve tried & have some really good airguns. The 2 taipans probaly do all you would ever want I suspect & do it reliably. Then it's down to if one want to play around with complicated latest & greatest at $ & time. I'm 2 the point I can live with a couple AGT's & a RAW or 1 agt 1 taipan & 1 raw. I have quite a few nice springers that might go & actualy did let 1 go. It;s hard for me to get rid of them but I can not get no were near the accuracy from them I do with PCP & I have left PCP more then a few times when cheap compressors were not avalible. only my Walther LGR can stand with pcp but not at distance I like to shoot..50-100 yards. So I think I'll get down 2 3 of the above pcps & do barrel experiments with the RAW to keep me entertained in modification land. It will be a sad day when my springers go.. but others actualy shoot them well & I do not.
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Too bad you don't smoke...
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