What did you do airgun related today.

I was shooting my Crosmans Mk1 earlier this morning untill it was too hot. Went to the garage to look for a rifle case for next week grouse opining. Look what I found, my long lost Katran 25 cal. from 2 seasons ago. Still has holding air!


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I have a pest I’ve tried trapping for months, but all I catch are opossums. I can trap an opossum about every night. I’ve tried all types of bait.
The trap isn’t working so I’m resorting to an AG. Today I found my hold overs for the short distances I can get it at 17’, 22’ and 16 yards. P35 25 cal with Pard NV008S is ready to go.
I re-assembled my Tech Force 79 and it's holding pressure good now. How ever the bolt is too hard to drive home. Took it apart again only to discover the prove is bent by0.164". This is a tempered bolt so I'll have to anneal it first before attempting it or it will break. Today I made a skitch just in case it breaks during the straightening. This way I can make a new one if it does.
Nothing yet, but soon ;)
Will stock up on ammo, so 800 PCS of 13 grain in 2 tins, and i will have to restock the tin of 16 grain i opned last outing.
Also going to clean my barrel so i can start with a clean slate.

Will probably not be shooting tomorrow, but my plan are to do a little bit of brush painting on the shot shed, and then i need to put another hinge on the oven opening CUZ that's no good as it is from the factory.
Also going to restrict the oven air breathing capabilities, it simply run way too hot as is, so will have to "plug" some holes.
Also X2 going to put a shelf up over the 2 lanes that are in operation now, and i will also have to find a way to store firewood in the shed, i am thinking below the benches way forward along the wall there.
The oven are just 300 mm in diameter so firewood have to be cut shorter than that, probably also going to split some firewood.
There are also a bit of winter proofing still to do, some places where 2 wall plates meet are not backed by a board, so wind can get in there.

Sunday the wind will be better, so for damn sure lead will fly there.
Maybe i will have to stick around for a day or two more CUZ they look to be even better in regard to wind.
Come to think about it, better throw in a box or 3 of spare slugs just in case i decide to make it a multi day visit to my friends place.

While i shoot i will contemplate removable " shudders " to block most of a opening for rifles, CUZ i do think if / when it really get cold, having as little as possible openings will be a good thing.
We will probably crank the oven up again tomorrow evening to get some new inside / outside temperature measurements, around midnight the temperature should be down to 6 deg C, so if we can still keep 20 deg C in the shed i would feel better.
If it get to really bad freezing temperatures, well we still have the little diesel heater to bring in play.
But praying 10 - 15 dollars worth of firewood will be enough to keep warm for a winter range session.

Wednesday i have to be home though, got results of tests to hear at my doctors