Air Arms Pro-Sport

Lol, USA ? That's funny... Maybe the want ads here ?

Or a place overseas that ships to USA

You begin to see how this stuff thay hold close to there vest and no competition elsewhere ..
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Where to purchase a Pro-Sport other than PA/ AIRGUN DEPOT?
If you want to support USA dealers and not purchase oversea, these are two small operations that doesn't have the inventory of PA/Airgun depot but I would still support them.

Pomona air gun?

Haven't bought anything from him in a long time. Just realized he moved to Nevada.


Airgun Oregon?

I know both places don't show the AA Prosport as in stock. Since they are both AA dealers, they might be able to order the Prosport for you.
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Last year I ordered both a TX200 and a Prosport from . The proprietor goes by the name of Dirty E. Harry, kind of offputting, but his prices were excellent, and I got good service, fast shipping and a couple of guns with some of the prettiest wood I have, especially in the TX200.
That cocking thing with the TX200 I can't do. I much prefer the HW97. Hoping the Pro will be more to my liking.
well it's nowhere as easy as the 97K. The prosport with the factory full power spring is pretty stiff to cock. It took me several shooting sessions until I figured a way that was easiest for me, and I ain't no I've had mine apart a couple of times to do some tuning, so I used some lube on the compression tube bearings when I put it back together and it smoothed it out some. I think it's dry from the factory, just rides on the bearings, it wasn't as smooth as I like at first, when cocking it. But like I said the 97K is a cake walk compared to it.
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Uh-oh, it looks like it's time for my standard Pro-Sport PSA. ;)

Pro-Sports can be very easy to cock -- when done correctly. Assuming you're right handed, the natural thing is to put the butt on or around your right hip when cocking it with the left hand. That's bad ergonomics; it causes your left arm to cross in front of your torso, limiting the involvement of your strongest muscles and forcing your left shoulder to over exert. Instead, move the butt to your left hip and, when you cock it, keep your left elbow from flaring out. That way your bicep and lats do most of the work, kind of like a rowing motion. I can shoot my PS all day that way.
Uh-oh, it looks like it's time for my standard Pro-Sport PSA. ;)

Pro-Sports can be very easy to cock -- when done correctly. Assuming you're right handed, the natural thing is to put the butt on or around your right hip when cocking it with the left hand. That's bad ergonomics; it causes your left arm to cross in front of your torso, limiting the involvement of your strongest muscles and forcing your left shoulder to over exert. Instead, move the butt to your left hip and, when you cock it, keep your left elbow from flaring out. That way your bicep and lats do most of the work, kind of like a rowing motion. I can shoot my PS all day that way.
is the barrel pointed straight up, then pull down with the left arm, or barrel pointed to the right at an angle?
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I have no problem jacking the Pro Sport. I’m always sitting. I have the bottom of gun pointing to right. Release arm and hook end of arm around your baby finger. The butt of gun is on top of leg. When pulling with right arm I pull a bit with left from top of barrel like a wishbone. Find this most comfortable.
The only complaint from me on the Pro Sport is it’s not available in .20 cal. Crow
is the barrel pointed straight up, then pull down with the left arm, or barrel pointed to the right at an angle?

More or less straight up. The gun should be in a position so you can comfortably pull down the underlever with your left arm as if you're trying to elbow yourself on the lower left side of your ribs. Your forearm should be kept lined up with your upper arm. Picture a rowing motion that starts up high and doesn't allow your elbow to flare away from your body.
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Lol, USA ? That's funny... Maybe the want ads here ?

Or a place overseas that ships to USA

You begin to see how this stuff thay hold close to there vest and no competition elsewhere ..
1,069.95 Euro equals

1,186.86 United States Dollar
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