Took these two iggys down at 108ydd and 110yds. The wind was blowing 5-7mph so it was messing with me on the left to right a for a few shots but one took a clean eye shot and the other took a neck shot and both were put down effectively!
Impact M3 shooting the JSB KO 10.03gr V3 at 990fps they were running 1060fps before and shooting very well but I experienced fliers and a lot more wasted air. So I turned down the valve to about 4 lines and there are no fliers and it is on point!
Impact M3 shooting the JSB KO 10.03gr V3 at 990fps they were running 1060fps before and shooting very well but I experienced fliers and a lot more wasted air. So I turned down the valve to about 4 lines and there are no fliers and it is on point!