Getting back into shooting after a long hiatus!

Rob in PGH my old login. Hey Now, it's been around decade or more since I've been actively shooting or posting on a regular basis. Hopefully gonna be doing more of that from now on out. I'm not seeing many of the logins I remember but I have a memory that is not good anymore. My memory is so bad I forgot the names of a couple airguns I currently own. So I am somewhat unfamiliar with who is left in this hobby, industry and events.

Been going through my collection fixing seals, triggers and taking inventory.

USFT needs resealed
Styer and HW30s needs trigger work.
Paul Watts R7 needs forearm of stock fixed.
Hammerli 850 & MA2550 needs resealed
Izh 61 needs new spring replaced
2nd Twinmaster has to go to AZ
FWB 603 jr and FWB 103 needs some attention

A bunch of us had a shoot this past Sunday. It was good to get together with people and guns I have not seen in about six years. We had a good time.

So I never fixed that itch for a PCP pistol and an Edgun. Gonna start the financial quest for a .25 Edgun Leshiy 2.

One advance in technology that is well appreciated is the cost and availability of affordable compressors. I have a GX4 on the way now!
Thanks. I was surprised how my muscle, trigger, and shooting memory still works well. It was like I never put down a gun. Except shooting off-hand, shaking like a gaggle of leaves. Two shoulder surgeries seriously affected my ability ti hold still while standing, when I was already shaking prior to both surgeries. Not so much my eyes, catarac surgery needed this year.
Thanks. I was surprised how my muscle, trigger, and shooting memory still works well. It was like I never put down a gun. Except shooting off-hand, shaking like a gaggle of leaves. Two shoulder surgeries seriously affected my ability ti hold still while standing, when I was already shaking prior to both surgeries. Not so much my eyes, catarac surgery needed this year.
Ugh.... I can relate. Recently had spine surgery and after 5 months I'm getting back to normal. Airguns actually helped my recovery. Shooting off hand is still an issue for me but I can wait.
What a time to come back! Besides the affordable compressors, the best air pistol is available and it’s not 20” long! The Huben gk1 is a 13”, semi-auto powerhouse. If you’re not into semi auto there is the AGT Manul that looks like an excellent pistol as well. Welcome back.

It's as if you read my mind... already second on my list.
@Dead-On - Welcome back to AGN. Great time to get back in the sport. I would advise against anything Edgun related. Horrible customer service and poor quality control is all you will find with Edgun. The GK1 is a much better choice. Quite impressive features with excellent customer support.

Well I am no where near buying either one yet. I have to sell a few guns and knives to afford either one right now. So for now I am still researching and looking. With many of my guns, if there is a problem that I can't fix, it gets sent out to any of the airgunsmiths, tuners, and builders. The biggest problems I run into is cost of shipping and replacement parts. So I would assume if there is a problem with the Edgun I could use any of those avenues to remedy the situation.

How about parts? Are they hard to get?

Any common problems with the Leshiey that are going to be a problem that I am not aware of? I've been reading the Edgun Leshiey2 thread a bit and so far it looks like minor fixable problems.
Well I am no where near buying either one yet. I have to sell a few guns and knives to afford either one right now. So for now I am still researching and looking. With many of my guns, if there is a problem that I can't fix, it gets sent out to any of the airgunsmiths, tuners, and builders. The biggest problems I run into is cost of shipping and replacement parts. So I would assume if there is a problem with the Edgun I could use any of those avenues to remedy the situation.

How about parts? Are they hard to get?

Any common problems with the Leshiey that are going to be a problem that I am not aware of? I've been reading the Edgun Leshiey2 thread a bit and so far it looks like minor fixable problems.

I do not recommend any Edgun. Nothing but broken promises and no customer support. Steer clear.

I purchased a Leshiy classic from Edgun West about six years ago. Purchased two other barrels, some pellets and a Huma regulator at the time of purchase. Right out of the box I had issues. Rifle was not new, had scratches on it, would not hold air, no extra o rings, all the things unwanted in a new $2000 air rifle.

Brian at Edgun West ghosted me and would not return any of my calls, emails or texts. I had to use the threat of a credit card chargeback to get any kind of support. Ended up returning the damn thing but he would not give a return for the barrels, regulator or pellets. Most vendors will charge a 15% restocking fee or issue a full credit, Brian said fsck off. Horrible vendor. Caveat Emptor.