Crosman 2250 co2 cart stuck

If you're going to drill a hole, make it one that can be reused. I got tired of stuck Co2 cartridges in my 2300T so I drilled a hole in the tube to allow a screwdriver or whatever to pry the cartridge off of the seal.

Co2 Hole.jpg
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I’ve had crosman 22xx pistols forever and never had a cart stuck. How or why is that?
Luck. I always put a drop of oil on tip of cartridge and still had them stick in two different guns, which I disassembled to remove the cartridge. I polished the tips of the piercing pins on those guns as well as some others I was building up and have not had any further problems. If I do I will probably measure and drill a hole in the side of the tube holding the cartridge so I can reach in and push it loose, like the Diana Airbug which already has that feature built in.
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I've found that the cart will stick when the seal is developing an aggressive lip. It will hold the cart. When this has happened to me it happens almost every following time off us until I change the seal. This usually occurs to me by over tightening the cap and leaving a charged cart inserted. I do my best to lot leave co2 in it.
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hot glue and a dowel works for me

don't drill holes in the tube my God
Mike, just curious as to your objections here. As you surely know, Diana Chasers/Airbugs have this hole already there in the air tube just for this purpose (freeing a stuck cartridge), though it is more elongated than round. Are you concerned about mechanically altering the tube, or is it more about the cosmetics of the drilled hole? Obviously, the hole would have to be very carefully located/drilled but I really don't see the problem in doing so. It seems like a very practical mod to me...but then I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree either:)
Mike, just curious as to your objections here. As you surely know, Diana Chasers/Airbugs have this hole already there in the air tube just for this purpose (freeing a stuck cartridge), though it is more elongated than round. Are you concerned about mechanically altering the tube, or is it more about the cosmetics of the drilled hole? Obviously, the hole would have to be very carefully located/drilled but I really don't see the problem in doing so. It seems like a very practical mod to me...but then I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree either:)
Interesting I didn't know the Diana Airbugs have a hole. I'm in the camp of not drilling in the tube why you ask?? For me its just manly cosmetically and also its a way for particles to get inside the tube area. Thats my .02 cents :)
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I wonder if folks are trying to over tighten the cap because they think you have to monkey fist it to pierce the cart.
I don’t really put too much pressure on the cap at all. Finger snug is all. Fireing the pistol does the work of piercing the cart seal.

On 20xx guns at least. Other co2 guns are different.
I wonder if folks are trying to over tighten the cap because they think you have to monkey fist it to pierce the cart.
I don’t really put too much pressure on the cap at all. Finger snug is all. Fireing the pistol does the work of piercing the cart seal.

On 20xx guns at least. Other co2 guns are different.
That's exactly what I do along with one drop of pellgun oil every other cartridge and never have had a cartridge get stuck.
I've found that the cart will stick when the seal is developing an aggressive lip. It will hold the cart. When this has happened to me it happens almost every following time off us until I change the seal. This usually occurs to me by over tightening the cap and leaving a charged cart inserted. I do my best to lot leave co2 in it.
The two guns I have had stuck cartridges in were new guns. When I took the guns apart, I went further and took the valve assembly apart and really polished the piercing pin to a mirror finish, and no machine marks left. Some had maching marks on the tip and I think that was the problem
The two guns I have had stuck cartridges in were new guns. When I took the guns apart, I went further and took the valve assembly apart and really polished the piercing pin to a mirror finish, and no machine marks left. Some had maching marks on the tip and I think that was the problem
Thanks for sharing that (y)