Let’s see those light weight Carry Airguns (Woods Walkers)

I envy you that you can walk for an hour carrying an airgun without having to worry about being killed by overly enthusiastic law enforcement agencies. Were I to wander about the hills local to where I live in Southern California, I’d probably end up as a story on the evening news.
Thats terrible and sadly probably true. I live out in the boonies in Ohio. You can do whatever out here. Closest town(called a village) is about 10 mins away. I don’t think I id carry a Airgun around that small town either though.
Everything is so screwed up everywhere. To many idiots. I’m sure it’s way worse out your way.
My neighbor use to tell me hunting stories of when he was younger. He’d hop on a bus or trolley. Shotgun in his hand and dog at his feet. Times have changed.
I’d love to see everyone’s favorite light weight or compact carry airguns. Something you can throw in a pack or carry for miles.

I walk my dog for about an hour a day. I carry a airgun with me every time. Most times I carry this P-Rod. Sometimes my Notos. Out to 50 yards either of those should be able to crack a golf ball. Doesn’t weigh me down at all.

Here’s my P-Rod and couple Dog Walk Photos

Feel free to shows your favorites in the comments below 👇 🤘

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Who made the knives?:) They look great, too!
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Couple of mine



Who made the knives?:) They look great, too!

Jim Behring(Treeman knives) and his son James(Behring Made).Handmade customs, I’m a huge knife collector. This one’s made by James. Hammer Mark “Sharptail” w/ copper guard & sambar stag handle, rams horn spacer. Classic Crosman 180 in background
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Jim Behring(Treeman knives) and his son James(Behring Made).Handmade customs, I’m a huge knife collector. This one’s made by James. Hammer Mark “Sharptail” w/ copper guard & sambar stag handle, rams horn spacer. Classic Crosman 180 in background
Thanks! I used to collect high end customs years ago. There are a lot of really great makers posting their work on BladeForums. But you probably know that already:cool:
Light as a feather, PRod represent!

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P-Rods look so good in a wood stock. I have a second Prod I’m working on now. Once it’s done I got a beautiful wood stock waiting for it. I just started tuning this morning. Never really tuned one before. See how it goes I’m hoping for 17-18fpe range. C C m
some ,I practice a lot with pistols, even so, support helps a lot , always two-hand hold , as I get older I may need to carbine my pistols, but then they are not pistols,still fun thoughView attachment 497303
Nice Fleet! I love the wood P-Rods. I’m actually working on my second P-rod now.I got a beautiful wood stock waiting to put it in. I’m learning the basic mods and tuning now. Just shot my first 8 shot string today. Only at 12fpe so adjust and try a bunch more tomorrow. Leaving it in the factory stock until it’s tuned. Might take me awhile. Never done it before.

I'll share a story from years ago, when I was an active quail hunter. I thought a lightweight shotgun was the answer to those long days of walking. So, I bought one. And for sure it was a dream come true for following the dogs all day. But I couldn't shoot it worth a darn. The first day out with it, we hunted hard all day, finally got a point on a covey in a dream location. The dogs held, we walked up and flushed the birds. I emptied both barrels on an easy shot and didn't cut a feather. The dogs were ready to bite me. So, before deciding on this lightweight carry gun, shoot it first.
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I think Prods are about the best for the $$$,stock they are accurate and have good triggers. There are so many modifications for them also.
the only reason to get something else for more power, which can be a good reason;)
I’m becoming a fan of them. This one I won from a Airguns Revisions Raffle. It’s got all the Buckrail goodies on it and a mrod trigger.I don’t think Rich did anything crazy to it other than his basic tune. It shoots really good for what it is.I was nervous because you hear all those “old” bad barrel stories. I’m confident a squirrel would be done for out to 50 yards.
I’m looking forward to getting my wood one together. You do a B-Staley mod to any of yours? Or anything to yours.

Happy Shooting
P-Rods look so good in a wood stock. I have a second Prod I’m working on now. Once it’s done I got a beautiful wood stock waiting for it. I just started tuning this morning. Never really tuned one before. See how it goes I’m hoping for 17-18fpe range. C C m

Nice Fleet! I love the wood P-Rods. I’m actually working on my second P-rod now.I got a beautiful wood stock waiting to put it in. I’m learning the basic mods and tuning now. Just shot my first 8 shot string today. Only at 12fpe so adjust and try a bunch more tomorrow. Leaving it in the factory stock until it’s tuned. Might take me awhile. Never done it before.

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What is the brand and model of the Chrono on the end of your barrel?
What is the brand and model of the Chrono on the end of your barrel?
I can’t remember brand or if it even has one. It’s just a cheap China one I picked up for like $20. It seams to work pretty decent though. Good enough for the basics I’d say. Doesn’t do anything fancy but you can cycle through your string to check numbers. Good enough for me atm