When I first received my Ghost Carbine, for a while I thought my Pathfinder was in jeopardy of being sold. Then I downsized the scope and fell in love again. The Pathfinder is but a smaller Commander or Sniper XR. With the TP on low, sending CPHPs, it has been stellar from 25 to 64 yards. Sure kills on small rodents out tp 50 yards. My groups at 25 yards with CPHPs when “I’m” on point? Simply… And while I really like my Ghost Carbine she is a portly gal, even in its carbine configuration… I have an Athlon Helos 6-24x50 atop which adds mucho weight. Am still in the process of sussing out da Ghost. The Pathfinder is an under appreciated, seriously capable PCP, first shot this morning? Dead on, second shot after an eight hour workday? Dead on… Am lucky that my trinity is composed of two Atomics, a Ghost and Pathfinder… So I get to contrast them at will. At the moment the Ghost is struggling to find it place in my repertoire… When the Pathfinder had the Aztec Emerald 6-24x50 it was simply too portly as opposed to the sweet WHT 3-12x44 it currently sports…