Air Venturi Avenge X Firing Valve Replacement

I will check it out.

I have searched high and low for Any info on the Avenge x for valve replacement and I'll be damned if i can find anything...

Looks like I will be on my own on this one...
Both are Chinese manufactured, might be similarities. Need for Avenge-X valve replacement might be rare, possible reason for lack of how-to videos. Here's pic of Airacuda Max broken valve, seems design defect allows self-tightening of valve spring till lack of clearance causes fracture. Doubt Avenge-X shares this defect. WM
Did you figure it out? Please share if you did. I’m trying replace the valve myself.
No I did not..
I did contact Air Venturi seeking some info, Stacey was great as she always is.
She was going to send a detailed diagram of the gun but before she did she asked when I bought it, My reply was hell if know.. Lol

I did Not buy it from PA, they were out of stock at the time so she could not look it up..
So I called Baker where I purchased it and they were great as well providing a copy of the sales receipt via email.

Long story short, the gun was purchased on 2/6/2024 and still under warranty, Stacey sent me the warranty service order number and I sent the Action and an air tube so it can be repaired...They did Not need the whole gun saving a fortune in shipping...

I NEVER send my stuff in for repair, always do the work myself, but in this case $17.98 in shipping cost was worth me not having to deal with it...