N/A Thanks KWK

I want to thank KWK for a tip he gave on another thread. He mentioned that bubble tubes worked well as homemade piston liners. I ordered the same ones he recommended and tried them today. I'm really happy with them so far. I cut up one of these bubble tubes and made a piston liner. They were easier to use than cutting up plastic drink bottles or the ptfe sheets I was rolling. My 22 HW95 had a little bit of twang left in it and now it's completely gone. I'll have to order more bubbles 🫧 for future guns. This was a great tip. Thank you KWK.

Same gun another issue. I've been struggling with POI shifts with this 22 HW95 at 50 yards. While apart today I noticed evidence of piston seal rotation. For good measure I replaced the piston seal with a fresh Vortek seal. Hopefully my POI will be more consistent. I scrubbed and polished the barrel last week and lost a bit of power and now its a bit slower yet. New seals are tight. It's at 660-670 now. I'd like to see it back to 700 after the seal breaks in and the barrel completely seasons.

Hey Ron what are the dimensions of those tubes and thickness? Wondering how they compare to my Mountain Dew liners. Hope the seal fixes your .95.
The seal is a long shot but I've had loose fitting seals in my 177 95 and others cause POI shifts.
I was just shooting it briefly and wasn't any different. Shifting my hold back towards the CG seemed to make a big improvement on my last two groups. Then a TStorm had me packing everything up. Tomorrow is another day.
Hey Ron what are the dimensions of those tubes and thickness? Wondering how they compare to my Mountain Dew liners. Hope the seal fixes your .95.
They're flexible and somewhat oblong in places but they're about 1.2" in diameter and 0.020" thick.. they also have recessed ribs and diamond shape grips that help take up space and minimize friction.

