Taipan Taipan Vet II Tactical Problem

I have a Taipan Vet II tactical 550mm .22 that I bought from a non-US store. I shot around 100+ pellets through it and everything was fine. Then, on a shot I guess I inadvertently hit the cocking arm with my hand and it was 1/2 way open when I fired the next shot. The air blew out the back at the pellet probe. I was able to clear the pellet with the next shot, but then put the gun down for a while. 15 minutes later I load a round and pull the trigger and just the trigger click. The tank pressure guage showed 0 bar. I filled it up to 250 bar. It took many times longer for it to fill... I just thought since it was down to zero that was why. Then I cleared the pellet - it shot out fine or should I say normal and I thought I was good. 10-15 minutes later no air again. So I filled it up to about 180 bar and tried to determine where the air was leaking. Nothing out the barrel and nothing back by the pellet probe. I could hear no air escaping. I haven't put fluid on the possible spots yet but wanted to ask if anyone has had this problem in the past and what did they do to correct it? I tried to send it back to the dealer, but our friendly USPS would not ship it and it got returned.
@Emu - the guage was not tight. I took the gun apart and all the o-rings were in place and looked good (they should be new!). I tightened up the guage and filled it up to 250 bar last evening. This morning it's down to 50 bar so I've managed to "slow" the leak! Bottle is tight and was tight when I took it off. Not sure how to try a bubble test on the fill port though...