Crosman has let me down. Whats the point if its all made in China?

Hi friends,

After buying many a crosman product, I decided to buy an additional 2240xl to replace one I gave to a friend. We'll, it arrived today and immediately after unboxing it I noticed how different it looked from all the other 2240s and 13xx series guns. The blueing, milling and barel finish were nothing like I've seen in a crosman product. It was a noticeable step down in quality.

When I cocked it, it felt gritty. And the trigger... wow. The basic 22xx and 13xx series are not good triggers by any means, but this was way worse. It felt like a box of rocks. I've had toys that had better triggers.

Then after further inspection I noticed there was no engraved text on the frame, just a gold paint with the model. Then, there it was sticking out. Made in China.

When did this happen? All my other 22xx 13xx to my knowledge are atleast made to some degree in the US. What's the point of buying a crosman product when other China brands are leaps and bounds above this flaming heap of a 2240xl.

Wow thanks crosman for all the good old times but this is my last product from them. I'll keep this as a reminder to never buy another of their guns again.
the old way that Crosman stamped their tubes has been unsightly for all time
2300s and custom shop tubes have had gold printing on them for as long as i know
now the rest i would have to be there to see
now how companies are going to China just to survive, it is business
and China today is producing fine air guns Snowpeak shows of that
i know we want to buy American made produces, i get that
you are disappointed and you have that right
so you are a owner of the same model, so you have two options send it back or take it apart and fix it or at least see why it is do what you don't like
i looked at Crosman's site and that pistol is not listed and i found that odd in reality when the pistol call out i thought it was an odd offering
if you sent it back buy a Chaser a far better pistol and yes made in China
Easy fix, strip it down and put back together... Now it's assembled in America like before (presumably, haha). As far as quality issues, file a complaint with Crosman. The more folks do this the better. They'll either fix it or not but in the end they won't (or can't) sell stuff that folks don't want...
MilesBennetDyseon, agree with you! Ur “bellyachen” is a true concern for any red blooded American that gives a poop about an American company…. … don’t be discouraged by people that think they have to control the path of discourse by “one upping” the conversation with some smooth brained boomer responses…
I worked for a company that sourced some of their products from China and they were consistently well made. I talked to the buyer about the "unexpectedly good quality" and he explained that, like everything else, you get what you pay for.

The Chinese products have a bad reputation because the people importing the stuff insist on the cheapest quality they can get.

To get "cheap" you cut corners. Minimum inspection is done - fit, finish and function are compromised. The cheapest hardware and off the shelf components (like o-rings) are used. The assembly is rushed to get the product out the door.

I'm not so sure that "Made in America" is automatically a good thing. It seems that North American workers typically want the maximum pay and benefits for the minimum amount of work. No need to pull your weight, let someone else do that, everyone is entitled to a "free ride" - right? Quality here is questionable as there's no pride in workmanship that you see in products made in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Japan.

I'm all for the feature-rich reasonably priced airguns that are on the market these days because they attract people to the sport. My concern is that the companies are focused on shot term profits and the poor designs, poor quality, and poor performance turns off new shooters. A rough trigger or magazine causes frustration every time the airgun is used, spend a couple more pennies (or even dollars) and make something usable - right out of the box. Happy customers are repeat customers.

I feel for the Crosman employees - especially at a time when we need more manufacturing in North America. Crosman, as a company lost my respect when they released the 392 muli-pump pneumatic with iron sights and a stock with a cheek comb designed for scopes. Talk about awkward! Did Crosman even test the gun before sending it to market?

I call it corporate greed. Companies need to realize that if you don't take care of your customers then somebody else will. That or those customers will leave the market and be lost forever.

As customers we need to be realistic, quality costs money. You don't get a Porsche for a Volkswagen price.

Cheers anyway!
Here's what I guess I'm saying. I reliably bought crosman products because I stood by them when their operations, assembly, some mfg was done in NY and their other US locations. This China made 2240 is not only worse than any other crosman I've ever handled it's not even trying to be made here.

A snowpeak, diana, etc are all eating this guns lunch. I don't have any problem with Chinese airguns. Some are great value for the money. If crosman wants to now sell junk for the same price as before they deserve to go out of business.

They have lost a lifelong customer. Their products are nowhere near worth our money these days. If I'm going to buy China guns I'm going to buy ones that are actually well made.
I’m old enough to remember after WW2, products made in Japan were considered crap. Things were poorly made and made from inferior materials. Now, Japanese products are highly regarded. The same is happening with China. You can hardly buy a scope that’s not made there and quality has come a long way. However, from a world economic point of view, it’s nice to keep the money at home.
I’m old enough to remember after WW2, products made in Japan were considered crap. Things were poorly made and made from inferior materials. Now, Japanese products are highly regarded. The same is happening with China. You can hardly buy a scope that’s not made there and quality has come a long way. However, from a world economic point of view, it’s nice to keep the money at home.
This gun is objectively worse than any 2240 I've ever seen, owned or handled. I wouldn't mind it being made in China of it was an improvement. It's a severe step down in quality. This is going backwards.
My preferred setups have very diverse lineages.

Sweden and the UK for the airguns.

Germany and Japan for the glass that goes on top of them.

Czech Republic for the projectiles.

But the air that goes inside is made in the good ol' USA ;)

I do avoid having any "made in china" markings, but sometimes they do appear, unfortunately. But never on the guns themselves.
Its because youve owned an American made product before, the new generation buying the Crosman wont even know about it.
The sad part is, I'm not even that old (mid 30s), my first airgun at 12 yrs old was a crosman. I've probably bought 15 or more of their products over the years. I'd still continue to buy many more if they didnt pull this. My safe is filled with much higher quality guns, I'm no fool to know that their offerings have always been mediocre at best, but they employed US workers in US locations. That's why I supported them. No longer.