N/A Other fill gas

Yes, air is free until you must compress it. I do have a 7L 300 bar SCBA cylinder but the only dive shop compressor close to me is only filling to 230 bar, used to be 250 bar but he said it is putting to much strain on his compressor. Also he became expensive. So I am looking for an alternative.

Nitrogen seems to be pressured to 200 bar only.
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Helium is only used on extreme power airguns, it’s not at all practical for two reasons, it’s expensive and it is very good at finding leaks.

Nitrogen is ok but still not as cheap as air

Argon would work but it’s more dense than air so would reduce velocity.

Your best alternative is a compressor

Yes, air is free until you must compress it. I do have a 7L 300 bar SCBA cylinder but the only dive shop compressor close to me is only filling to 230 bar, used to be 250 bar but he said it is putting to much strain on his compressor. Also he became expensive. So I am looking for an alternative.

Nitrogen seems to be pressured to 200 bar only.
Booster would work.
Your best alternative is a compressor
Booster would work.

I am mostly using a handpump and don't have a problem with it. The thing is, when I go for a few days fishing and hunting with friends, I don't want to be busy pumping a lot. The end of this month we are a going for a week hunting antelope and mostly rock pigeons and spurfowl. A 230 bar fill on the SCBA cylinder will not be enough.

I was looking at a compressor but the low price ones seems to require rebuilding or replacing more than what I care to do. In SA spare parts are almost impossible to get, so most likely it will be replacing. The bigger and better compressors are out of my budget comfort zone. All the boosters I saw are also expensive. Read this post of mine when comparing cost of items:

O well, hand pumping is not to bad, I will bribe the guys with a beer to do it for me. :)
Yes, air is free until you must compress it. I do have a 7L 300 bar SCBA cylinder but the only dive shop compressor close to me is only filling to 230 bar, used to be 250 bar but he said it is putting to much strain on his compressor. Also he became expensive. So I am looking for an alternative.

Nitrogen seems to be pressured to 200 bar only.
you can run Nitrogen thru a Altros box , i checked to make sure .
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