Since our dog adoption, I have actually missed a few days here and there of shooting. I am getting to know her better, and she wants to be around me all the time. So, I am going slow with her to introduce her to shooting.
That's a good idea. My beagle will run for the hills if she even sees a gun! Some hunting dog!
I think it’s perfectly natural Dr. Kral. What happens is we evolve. Or like a drug addict, it keeps taking more for us to get our fix. Then there is a turn over. It’s when you just can’t muster up the energy to answer the question or help with an issue you’ve seen a thousand times. So the turn over is the newer guys drunk on their new found knowledge start answering them. So now we sit back and make sure they aren’t giving bad info. But then we get bored with that.

It’s finally squirrel season here and something very exciting happed today. Most would consider it not good but where I’m at, I liked it. Most of the squirrel were real close today. And I missed them all. I was so focused on building a gun that I could cleanly take small game out to 150 yards that I completely blew off my sub 30 yard shooting. I should have had my limit of six but only got one. So now a new fire is lit to learn my hold overs on 6X for 10-20 yards. This guy gave me the bragging 65 yard shot and he fell dead. But Mr. Megagun missed 5 shots that could have been made with a Daisy Red Rider.

My slow season (summer) at work wasn't slow this year as the boss was out of town a lot, leaving me a ton of extra work in the big city. My 4 day work week flew out the window. The busy season is gearing up quickly and I may be looking at 6 day work weeks before the end of October. I have a 3-4 hour round trip commute, so an 8 hour day means 11 to 12 hours away from home. Then there's the homekeeping and yard work to stay on top of.
I've been making time to shoot, but not like I was back in late spring. Enthusiasm is there (believe me, all I think about is shooting and hanging with my dogs) but much of my time has gone to earning cash and other responsibilities. After taking a beating the last 18 months in the money department, I am grateful for the work. The guns are waiting patiently for my trigger finger. All is well.
I look forward to shooting on the weekends. I can occasionally get some range time in during the week but is usually PB's. Luckily work is always busy so most weekdays I am not shooting.

Same for the forums. I find I lurk more than I post now. Still fun to check in and see what is going on. Everything goes in cycles. Have fun and stay safe!
Well it is not easy to keep the fire burning for something, even something you really like, i know that from a few other addictions too.
You are all fire, for about a decade, then you step down to a pilot fire, if you not fizz out totally.

You of course always got to keep it real, and i can mention a lot of things that would take precedence over a hobby.

I think when i get a new apartment, i will put up a Dart board again, it have been several decades since i have been throwing darts, but i am sure i would still be able to enjoy that like in the old days, and that sport was not one i grew weary of, just focus changed to other things.
Gotta thank @gendoc for selling me this gun. It's been changed significantly since he had it, but still the same rifle at heart.

I haven't found a pellet or slug that won't stack at 35 yet. I really need to get it out to 50 and 75 to see how she shines. Polymags and NSA 79 grain are single hole so far, and Zan 81s, jsb 82s etc are nice tight groups. These TJ barrels are something else!
Whoa! Love the rifle! It looks like a Killer Bee!

I think you are going to make it after all...
I call it the 357 hornet! It's a mild 100 fpe right now, but can do 170 fpe if I go full tilt. Far too much and way too loud for the backyard!
Since our dog adoption, I have actually missed a few days here and there of shooting. I am getting to know her better, and she wants to be around me all the time. So, I am going slow with her to introduce her to shooting.
A friend of mine shoots PB's . He took the dog along and shot the .22 one time and put the gun down flat on the ground with a cookie close but not touching and just walked away and watched . his dog circled once , stood over the cookie and sniffed then gobbled down the cookie .
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