Best Hunting pellet

I agree with @shambozzie - Use the most accurate pellet for your rifle. Finding the "Magic Pellet" for your rifle is part of the fun!

One overlooked pellet that comes to mind is H&N's Terminator brand of pellets. My .22 HW50 loves them. The HW50 hates H&N Crow Magnums, go figure.

I usually shoot the H&N FTT's because I have a couple of sleeves of them and my two .22's shoot them good enough for cans and the occasional tree rat or grackle.

Give the Crosman pellets a try also, you never know and might get lucky.
x3 on using the most accurate pellet, but at the modest distances of 20-25 yards, the option of using wadcutters is available to you so try some if you can. The flat profile does a lot of tissue damage and doesn’t require high velocity to expand to be effective, making wadcutters particularly well suited for pest control with a springer.
I am a victim of a very aggressive invasion in my backyard, since mid august.
The .22x15gn Hades working very well, I stopped counting somewhere over 40 bodies and still keep coming from somewhere :(
If you really eager for some fun - you shall plant walnut threes...and get a Leshiy2
Distances between 5 and 10 meters and mostly with elevation.
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The best hunting pellet is domes. They will give the deepest penetration of any design, with the exception to pointed which have an inherent accuracy problems due to their fragile tip.

I can't say that I've seen any one pellet kill any faster than another with a standard power pcp rifles, and I've tried them all.
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